Chapter 19: Jeffrey Woods Is Dead...

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Ashley and Jeff arrive at the police station and are talking to an officer in an interrogation room. "So you two were the last ones who saw Sergio?" asks The officer.

"Yes sir, he was hanging out with us at prom. He said he had to go to the restroom and then disappeared," says Ashley.

"Interesting, did he seem upset or anything like that?"

"No, he seemed fine. I really hope he's okay..."

"We're gonna find him, don't worry. Just keep your eyes and ears open, and if you see any sign of Sergio please call us, okay?"


"Good, thank you for coming in. This has helped a lot with the case. With this timeline we should be able to figure this out." Ashley nods her head, and they exit the police station. They walk out to the sidewalk and start walking back home when Ashley gets a phone call. 

"Hello?" asks Ashley.

"Hey blondie! How ya doing?" asks Liv.

"Hey Liv, what's up? I didn't know you had a phone."

"Terra gave it to me as an early birthday present, speaking of which. You two emo freaks are invited to my party, free of charge of course."

"We'd love to come, when is it?"

"Tomorrow, at noon, so don't be late. Also, don't buy me a gift, just get me the doe, okay?"

"Duly noted."

"Ha! I love you blondie! Hey Terra! I love this chick! I'll see you at the party blondie." Liv hangs up the phone.

"So, we're going to a party tomorrow, huh?" asks Jeff.

"Yep, what should I wear?"

"It's a twelve year old's party, something casual."

"Okay." They continue to walk down the sidewalk.

In the morning Ashley wakes up and takes a shower, she throws on a black t-shirt, blue embroidered shorts, her black canvas shoes, and a black beanie and heads to the living room where Jeff is waiting on her. "How do I look?" asks Ashley.

"You look great. You don't need to do anything too fancy, we're going to a twelve year old's party," says Jeff.

"I know, I just want to look pretty."

"Well you already are, right Jessie?"

"Of course cowgirl, you'll always be beautiful to me," says Jessie.

"Thanks guys."

"Let's head on over to Terra's. She needs help setting up everything before the rest of the guests arrive."

"Okay, sounds good." They get into Jessie's car and drive to Terra's house.

They arrive at Terra's house and her mailbox has balloons hanging off of it. They go in and see Terra making some snacks, and Liv reading a magazine. "Oh, you guys are here!" says Terra.

"Yeah, we're here to help," says Jessie.

"Wonderful, could you help me with these snacks Jessie, and Ashley could you and Jeff please set up this banner."

"Sure," says Ashley as they put up the banner. 

"Thank you all for helping me," says Terra.

"Of course, we all want Liv to have the perfect party," says Jessie.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," says Ashley.

"Oh, okay," says Terra. Ashley walks upstairs when she trips on something and falls.

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