Chapter 23: Chicago Bound

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Ashley wakes up and crawls out from under the chopper, she feels herself for blood or broken bones. She feels a big gash on her forehead. She looks around and sees that she's in a field outside the city of Chicago. She walks around the crash site and sees Leila on the ground unconscious, she runs over to her and shakes her. "Leila! Leila! Wake up!" Leila moans and opens her eyes. 

"Ms. Smith?"

"Yes it's me! Get up!" Ashley helps Leila up.

"Where's Mary?" They hear her moaning and run over to the noise, they go through the rubble to find her with a piece of metal through her leg. Ashley pulls her out of the rubble. "Shit!" says Ashley.

"It really hurts..." says Mary.

"Yeah no shit! There's a piece of metal in your fucking leg!"

"What do we do Ms. Smith?" They hear sirens coming up to them, they look and see three squad cars, an ambulance, and a fire truck ride up to their location. The squad cars stop and a rubenesque cop steps out of the vehicle with two other cops escorting him. They run up to Ashley and Leila, 

"Holy shit! Are you guys okay?" asks the cop.

"Do we look okay?" asks Ashley.

"Get an ambulance over here now!" screams the officer to the paramedics. The paramedics run over to Mary and start working on her.

"Poor girl, are you two okay?" asks the officer.

"Yes we are."

"Let me get someone to tend to that gash on your head."

"If you insist..." A paramedic takes Ashley over to the ambulance, and they start working on Ashley's gash.

"So, what's your business here?"

"Detective Ashley Smith, FBI." She takes out her badge and shows it to him. 

"Oh! I've heard of you, you're the one trying to find Jeff The Killer right?"


"Huh, nice to meet you Detective Smith. I'm Chief Waldo, welcome to Chicago. So, what are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but Jeff has made his way here."

"What!? Goddammit! That's the last thing I need, a goddamned psycho running around! Do you have any clue where he might be?"

"No, he just said he was here."

"You talked to him?"

"Yeah, me and him have history..."

"Oh yeah, I know the story, I'm sorry Detective..."

"Where's the nearest hotel? We are going to be staying here for quite a while."

"Oh, there's one just up there." He points towards the city. "Don't you need medical attention?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Well, we can most certainly take you up to the hotel, and you can drop your stuff off. Then we can start investigating, I want to help in any way I can."

"Good, you can start by having your men be on alert constantly. You never know what this maniac is going to do."

"Okay." He looks towards his men. "Attention everyone!" They look towards them. "Jeff The Killer is loose in the city." They all give shocked expressions. 

"Jeff The Killer? Oh shit!" says one of the officers.

"Now there's no need to panic, luckily we have the best weapon against this maniac." He pats Ashley on the back. "She is the key to catching this motherfucker."

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