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↳˳;; ❝ y/n ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗:

WE MADE OUR way towards the lockers. i was walking with anger, rather than my friends who were walking with embarrassment.

as dustin, lucas, and i approached our lockers, max skated by. they looked at her longingly. the same way i do. although, i shouldn't be jealous. she's probably straight and not a weirdo like me anyways.

"we gonna do this?" dustin asks me and lucas, even though i knew of nothing they were conspiring.

"now?" lucas asks dustin as the latter nods.

"do what?"

"get max to join the party, duh," dustin tells me, smiling as i shoot him a fake one back.

"yeah, cause she'll really join the group that spied on us?"

"well she clearly likes you!" lucas whisper-shouts as my cheeks flush.


"you guys are friends?" dustin deadpans as i nod my head, a little too fast i may add.

"yeah-yup. friends, nothing more. then that'd be weird-" i was cut off by the bell ringing.

"dammit! we wasted too much time," dustin huffs.

"after class."


"HURRY THE BELL is gonna ring," dustin whispers as we walk towards max, who's face immediately lights up.

"marsh!" max happiy exclaims, wrapping me in and embrace.

"hey max," i smile, taking in her scent for a moment.

i'm not creepy.

"um, stalkers," max nods at dustin and lucas who huff in annoyance.

"yeay, you got some admirers," i joke as lucas elbows me.


"hey, you okay?" max asks, running her hand on my rib. it automatically felt better. for a minute i thought max had a magical touch. but then i remembered i'm kind of liek superman, i don't really feel pain for long.

"yep, all good," i fake groan as she hesitantly nods.

"so, stalkers. why are you here?"

"w-well i'm dustin and this is-"

"lucas. i'm lucas!"

"yeah, i know," max nods, crossing her arms and leaning on me. i had to fight back a blush so bad, i just knew my face was at least a bit red.

"well, actually, we weren't stalking you."

"we were watching out for you! lots of bullies here!" lucas explains as max nods, unamused.

"and y/n/n couldn't?" yep, i was definitely blushing now.

"what, yeah of course!" dustin nods as lucas copies, not knowing what else to do.

"so, we were talking last night, and you're new here, so you probably don't have any friend to take you trick-or-treating, and you're scared of bullies, so we were thinking that it would be okay if you come with us."

'it'd be okay?' really dustin?!

"it'd be okay?" max asks, raising an eyebrow as lucas' eyes widen. but dustin just didn't get it.

"yeah, our party's a democracy-"

"wait, y/n is part of it right?" max asks, looking at me as i gulp anxiously. i hope they didn't ruin my only shot with max. i was fighting so hard not to intercept into her thoughts to know what she's going to say, but i didn't want to disrespect her like that.

i nod slowly as max turns her attention back to the boys.

"well, if i can hang out with the party. y/n is in it. so i can just hang out with her. since y'know you're stalkers and i don't know you," max says, linking her arm with mine.

she's so badass.

max turned on her heal as dustin called out the location and time of trick-or-treating, but max and i just laughed. and kept walking.


I GOT MY costume. it was hard to find my size, but i managed.

"dayum, murderer. i got that vibe," bev tells me from the bathroom. she said she was going to surprise me, and not show me her real costume until we got home. i was excited, but the boys might not be.

"okay," bev jumps out the bathroom and right in front of my face. i scream, falling down and landing ass-first on the ground. i backed away quickly as bev laughed at my reaction.

she was going as a clown. a clown? the same thing that tormented her.

"how do you like my daddywise costume?" bev jokes, spinning around as i watch, horrified.

"it'd be better if you took off that mask."

"okay, fine. i mailed each of the losers a picture, so they'll soon get scared out of their minds."

"imagine bill," i get up, grabbing my costume and going to the bathroom.

"oh i forgot! poor dude'll be traumatized-"

we were cut off when the phone rang.

"bev, if that's your little 'daddywise', i'm gonna bite your arm off," i threaten as she laughs, putter her hands in the air in defense.

"hello? marsh residence, this is y/n speaking," i cringed at the formal acll greeting, but i had to say it. or else i'd sound impolite.

"y/n/n?" mike asks as i feel my breath hitch in my throat.

it felt wrong for anyone besides max to call me that.

"uh, yeah?"

"hey!" he greets me happily. this confused me, we barely talk anymore.


"okay so, what're you going as for halloween?"

"can't tell you," i answer, a lot harsher than i intended. but who cares, i owe him nothing anyways.

"awe, come one. please?"

"i'll tell you this, i'm matching with max."

there was silence before footsteps walked away from the phone, glass broke, and footsteps walked back to the phone.

"m-max, huh?" mike asks, i could hear he was breathless.

"mike, are you okay?"

"just fine. see you later," mike tells me, hanging up before i could even say bye.

"what was that about?" bev asks as i shrug.

"i don't know. not too worried about it either."

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