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↳˳;; ❝ y/n ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗:

I SAT IN my room the next morning. debating on whether or not i would tell bev what happened.

"so you don't remember anything?"

i remember everything beverly.


my cousin paces for a minute before taking out a piece of paper.

"draw what you remember."

i watch as she gathers crayons and markers before setting them in front of me. i tried to get into her mind. intercept he thoughts to make her stop bringing back those harsh memories that were just from earlier today.

"i don't remember anything," i lie, out of breath as my voice was raspy. it was hot in the room, but when i look at the thermostat, it says it's sixty-six degrees.

"yes you do-"

"it hurt! okay? i don't want to relive it."

beverly's eyes widen before she nods in understanding, sitting next to me and going to hug me. but she was extremely warm. i wince at her body heat and push her away.

"y/n/n you're," she pauses, looking over my clothes as i stared at the floor. my vision would go blurry at times. and during those periods, it felt like i couldn't even control my own body.

"sweating so bad. do you want to take a shower? a bath?"


she nods, going into our bathroom as i hear the water running. for a minute it looked like i was in the byers' house, but not in my body. i got dizzy, almost toppling over when bev caught me.

"whatever happened, it really messed you up," she tells me, helping me get my shoes and pants off. i could barely even sit up right.

once she left i stepped into the water. it felt like my skin was boiling, like it was burning so much that it would char, and peel off like plastic wrap.

i wince, reaching in with as much confidence as i could and pulled the plug, lifting my hand out as fast as i could. i knew realistically, the bath water couldn't have been that hot. i always take bath's that are hotter than the average person would take.

"what's wrong? was it too hot?" i hear beverly ask as i nod, then realizing she couldn't see me.


i hear her hum before her footsteps faded. something in me was wrong, since i subconsciously grabbed the knob and turned it to the right all the way. the coldest it could go.

as i stepped into the tub my lips parted and i heard two voices in my head. mine and will's,

"he likes it cold."


I WOKE UP about a hour later. i was submerged in the water, sleeping in it. i felt like i was no longer human. i couldn't be. or i would've drowned.

"y/n," i hear my mom call out from outside the bathroom door. i sat up, water flying everywhere.


my mom enters the room, covering her eyes before grabbing me a towel.

"you close your eyes?" beverly asks, complete shock in her voice. 

her dad was a huge creep. one time he walked in on me and bev changing, and stood there. but once we confronted him, he acted clueless.

"privacy is key to trust. i've gotten to an age where i don't need to see anyone naked."

i get out, wrapping in the towel as my mom hands me clothes that must have been fresh out the dryer. they were scorching hot.

"get dressed honey, the byers' need you and beverly," my mom tells me, i soaked my clothes in the cold water. wasn't the most practical solution, but it was the quickest. and i wasn't wearing hot clothes.


"I-I DON'T know how to explain it. they're like now-memories-"

"happening all at once. but they change from time to time," i finish for will. i could tell he wanted to smile in thanks, but neither of us could. it's like our faces where stuck without emotion. our words too.

"can you describe these now-memories?" beverly asks, putting a hand on my shoulder before i slap it away with a sharp intake of breath.

"i don't know. i-it's hard to explain," will and i say. this thing inside of us, was connecting us in some way. it was blocking my abilities, i couldn't find out what it was.

"i know it's hard but can you just, can you try? for us?"

"it's like they're growing," i start, my eyes glued to the ground.



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