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🗓:: y/n ┊͙

NEVER SURRENDER plays as mike and el go in for another kiss. mike almost immediately pulling away to lip sync the words.

el laughed at her boyfriend's silly antics, grabbing his hands and holding them as mike continued to lip sync stupidly.

"mike, mike! stop! stop!" el exclaims, needing to catch her breath.

"what? you don't like it?" mike asked sarcastically.

"no," el says with an airy laugh before resuming their previous activities.

outside of el's room, there sits hopper. he was relaxing and enjoying his summer by watching tv and snacking on chips and salsa.

the tv hosts voice drowns out in hopper's head as the man leans back his recliner, checking if his daughter's room was closed or not.

but instead he was met with the horror of el and mike making out on the girl's bed.


el looks at her father in horror, panicking and shutting the door with her powers.

hopper gets out of his chair and hurriedly approaches the door as the couple frantically tried to look 'normal'.

el unlocked the door as hopper opened it harshly.

"three-inch minimu-"

he stops when seeing the couple a good ways away from each other.

mike smiles cockily,

"what's wrong?"


"OH MY GOD! that was priceless! did you see how red his face was?"

"it was like a tomato!" el says, giggling.

mike opened his mouth to say something, questioning it for a moment, wanting to bask in the happiness, but decided to bring it up anyways.

"well, summer's almost over, you know what that means," mike chuckles nervously.

"school?" el asks confusedly.

"no, y/n/n and bev come back!"

el went silent. she missed bev oh so much, but y/n? no.

i guess you could say el held grudges. after y/n and will got better, y/n avoided el. y/n avoided everyone to an extent, but el didn't take the time to listen as to why. y/n was only afraid of herself. afraid she was going to somehow still have a part of the mind flayer still inside her and hurt her friends.

"i can't wait to see bev," el says, her voice between happy an venomous.

"a-and y/n?" mike cautiously asks.

"don't you have a movie to get to?" el asks, desperately wanting to get away from the subject.

"yea," mike answers glumly, upset he hurt el's feelings, or dimmed her mood.

"i'll see you tomorrow, alright? first thing."

"tomorrow." el repeats before hanging up.


MIKE PULLS UP outside starcourt mall, the place buzzing with people.

"you're late," lucas snaps.



"we're gonna miss the opening," will challenges mike.

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