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🗓:: y/n ┊͙

DUSTIN WALKS TO the counter at scoops ahoy. he rings the bell a few times before a dark blonde haired girl approaches him.

"hi," dustin greets her.


"i'm dustin!" dustin happily introduces himself to the girl.

"i'm robin."

"pleasure to meet you! um-i-is he here?"

"is who here?" robin teasingly drags out, knowing that steve was the only person here, and probably the person he was talking about.

"he's back!" steve shouts, busting throw the door that leads from the back to the counter.

he jogs up to dustin cheerily, blowing a fake trumpet before the two do an special star wars hand shake.

"how many children are you friends with?" robin asks steve in bewilderment, steve pointing at robin in acknowledgement.


"SO WHERE ARE the other knuckleheads?" steve asks dustin as the latter eats a banana split.

"they ditched me yesterday."

"no," steve says in disbelief.

"on my first day back! can you believe that shit?"

steve shakes his head, mad and confused.

"seriously? i swear to god."

"they're gonna regret it though, big time. when they don't get to share in my glory."

"glory? what glory?" steve asks, looking at dustin as if the boy had lost his mind.

"so last night, i was trying to get in contact with suzie..."

"oh, mhm."


"mhm," steve nods.

"and- uh," dustin looks around before cupping his hand over his mouth and mumbling inaudible words.


dustin inhales deeply, covering his mouth once more,

"i intercpeyrien a secret rusaksdkj."

"just speak louder."

dustin sighs, fed up, and yells,

"i intercepted a secret russian communication!"

everyone in scoops ahoy turned to look at the two. the boys' faces both flushed red out of embarrassment as steve speaks up,

"yeah, that's what i thought you said."


"Y/N AND STANLEY sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" richie teases before y/n throws the tube of shower caps at his head.

"you're just mad because it's true," richie retorts, making kissy faces and sounds at the two curled up on the hammock.

"h-he's got a point."

"bill!" the two protest.

"well! you two are attached at the hip 24/7. especially right now."

stanley and y/n roll their eyes before realizing how close they really were. the two blushed, scrambling away from each other as stanley fell off the hammock.


the rest of the losers laughed at their pitiful attempt at covering up their touchiness.


"ALL RIGHT, BABYSITTING time is over!" robin tells steve, pointing to the front counter.

"your shift."

"hold on! i'm trying to figure this out," steve protests, eating his banana.

"you wiped my board! that was important data shitbirds!"

"i guarantee you. what we're dealing with is way more important than your data," dustin protests.

"how do you know these russians are up to no good anyways?"

"wait- how do you know about the russians?" steve questions.

"i can hear everything. you are both extremely loud. you think you have evil russians plotting against our country, on tape, and you're trying to translate, but haven't figured out a word because you didn't realize russians use an entirely different alphabet than we do. sound about right?"

the boys look at each other as robin grabs the recording.

"hey!" steve protests, trying to grab it from her.

"what do you think you're doing?"

"i wanna hear it," robin replies in a 'duh' tone.

"why?" the two boys ask in unison.

"because maybe i can help," robin shrugs as the two look at her stupidly.

"i'm fluent in four languages, you know?"

"russian?" dustin asks, his hope going up.

"ou-yay are-yay umb-day."

steve and dustin share amused looks and cheers as robin rolls her eyes and scoffs.

"that was pig latin, dingus."

"but i can speak spanish and french and italian, and i've been in band for 12 years. my ears are little geniuses, trust me."


"c'mon, it's your turn to sling ice cream, my turn to translate.i don't even want credit. i'm just bored."


"I'M STUCK ON this line," robin groans, rubbing her temples in aggravation.

"wait- dustin," steve pops through the door quickly.


"isn't that girl- beaver?- good at russian?"

"beverly! you're right! but her and y/n are still in maine."

"well this is more important. plus they've been there for two months. just get them to bring their friends with them."

dustin hesitates for a moment, before getting up and running to the phone on the opposite wall.

he jabs his fingers into the buttons before impatiently waiting for someone to answer.




"what the hell?" stan mutters, he and y/n walking to the phone in the kitchen.

"of course they go together," richie jokes, slinging his arm around eddie's shoulder.

"hello? uris residence," stanley formally greets the caller, y/n fighting back a giggle at stan's fake persona.

"oh, yea, she's here. mhm. sure," stanley hands y/n the phone.

"hello?" y/n greets.

"hey y/n."

"dustin! hey! is everything okay?"

"um, sure."


"well, we need you and bev to translate something for us. our lives may be at stake. you can bring your friends or whatever."

"yea- ok. we'll be there as soon as possible!"

"what's wrong?" stan asks, loud enough for the rest of the losers to here.

"we need to go to indiana, right now."

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