Chapter 21

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One Saturday morning, Kiley got out of bed and made her way to the living room. Drew and Rick were up.

"Morning Ki." Rick said.

"Morning sweetie." Drew said.

"Good morning." Kiley said.

"You're up early for a Saturday." Rick said.

"Trouble sleeping?" Drew asked. "Are you still having nightmares?"

"No. Those have stopped for the most part." Kiley replied. "Just woke up early."

"I have an idea." Rick said. "Why don't the three of us go for a morning bike ride."

"Sounds like a great idea." Drew said.

"What do you think Kiley?" "I don't know." Kiley said.

"You guys can go without me."

"Why don't you want to go?" Rick asked.

"It's stupid and embarrassing." Kiley said.

"What it is?" Drew asked.

"I don't know how to ride a bike." Kiley admitted. Both guys were quiet. "No one ever taught me." She added. "That's alright." Drew said. "It's not embarrassing or stupid."

"Do you want to learn how to ride a bike?" Rick asked. "We can teach you, if you want." Kiley nodded.

"Great. We can go to the store today and get you a bike." Drew said.

"Ok." Kiley said.

"How about we go for a run, this morning, instead." Rick suggested.

"Oh. You're on." Kiley said.

"Great idea, Rick." Drew said, sarcastically. "She's going to outrun both of us."

"Yeah I am." Kiley said. "I'm going to go change." She went to her room to change into running clothes. She walked back into the living room.

"Ready to go?" Drew asked.

"Yep." Kiley replied. "Let's go." Three of them walked out of the house and started jogging.

A little bit later, they had finished their run and had eaten breakfast.

"That's not fair." Kiley said as they walked into a store. "You guys cheated."

"We did not cheat." Drew said.

"You picked me up, so I couldn't run, and so Rick could get to the house first." Kiley protested.

"You're just mad because you didn't win." Rick said.

"I am not." Kiley said. "You guys cheated."

"Come on." Drew said with a chuckle. They walked towards the bike section.

"Ooh. Can I get a mountain bike?" Kiley asked.

"How about we start with a regular bike, first." Rick said. "Since you don't know how to ride a bike."

"Geez. Why don't you say that a little louder." Kiley said. The two men chuckled. "Can I get a mountain bike at some point?" Kiley asked.

"We'll see." Drew said.

"Which means no." Kiley said.

"I didn't say that." Drew said.

"Usually when someone says "we'll see" that means no." Kiley said.

"Just pick out a bike." Drew said.

Kiley looked at the different bikes. "I like this one." She said, standing in front of a purple bike.

"Do you want that one?" Rick asked. Kiley nodded.

"Alright." Drew said. "Why don't you pick out a helmet."

"I'll get someone to help us." Rick said.

Once everything was paid for, they headed back to the house.

"Can we not do this in the neighborhood, please?" Kiley asked. "It's embarrassing that I'm 14 and don't know how to ride a bike." "

It's not embarrassing." Drew said. "But, that's fine."

They went to a small trail away from the neighborhood. Kiley stood there.

"I'm not doing this." Kiley said, walking up. "It's stupid and embarrassing."

"Kiley wait." Rick said.

Drew gently grabbed Kiley's wrist, making sure he didn't hurt her, and pulled her back towards them. "Look at me, Kiley." He said. Kiley looked up at Drew. "It is not stupid or embarrassing." Drew said. "Do you want to learn how to ride a bike, or not?" Kiley just nodded. "Then let us help you." Drew said. Kiley nodded, again.

"Here." Rick said, handing her the helmet.

Kiley put her helmet on. The guys held the bike still while she got on.

"Ready?" Drew asked.

"Yes." Kiley said. They started to push the bike.

"Tell us when you want us to let go." Rick said, after a minute.

"You guys can let go." Kiley said.

"Are you sure?" Drew asked.

"Yes." Kiley said.

"Ok." Drew said. They let go of the bike and Kiley started pedaling on her own.

"There you go." Rick said.

Kiley then lost her balance and fell. Drew and Rick rushed over to her.

"Are you ok?" Drew asked.

"Yeah. I'm good." Kiley replied.

"Do you want to try again?" Rick asked.

"Yes." Kiley answered. The two nodded and helped her up. They spent the rest of the afternoon doing that.

That evening, Kiley was in her room watching tv. Her phone went off and saw she got a text from an unknown number. She opened her phone and realized it was Justin. Bold: Justin. Italics: Kiley.

"Hey. It's Justin."


"What are you doing?"

"Just watching tv. You?"

"Strumming my guitar."

"Cool. I'm sorry about the other day. I can be oblivious sometimes."

"It's ok."

The two continued to talk until it started to get late. Kiley knew she need to go to bed before Drew realized she was still up. She plugged her phone in, turned her lamp an tv off, and went to bed.

AN: Kiley's bike

AN: Kiley's bike

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