Chapter 18

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Later that night, Kiley was sleeping on the couch in the break room.

Just then, she was woken up by the slamming of a door. She opened her eyes and sat up, seeing Drew in the room. All of a sudden, Drew yelled and threw a giant rack against the floor. Kiley's eyes widened in fear. It looked like he didn't even realize she was in the room. She was too scared to say anything.

Kenny came into the room. "Drew, stop." He said.

That's when Drew noticed Kiley. "Kiley." He said. Kiley had tears in her eyes and ran out of the room. "Kiley!" Drew called, going after her.

Kenny stopped him. "Just let her go." He said.

Kiley saw TC and Topher and ran to them. They saw her running towards them.

"Kiley, what's wrong?" TC asked. Kiley started talking fast. She still had tears in her eyes.

"Kiley, calm down." Topher said. "Just take a deep breath and tell us what happened." Kiley took a breath.

"I was sleeping in the break room and woke up when I heard the door slam." Kiley explained. "It was Drew and I saw him yell and throw a giant rack to the floor. It just really scared me." She started crying again.

"Hey, it's ok." Topher said, comforting her.

Just then, they saw Drew approaching them. TC stopped him. Kiley hid behind Topher. Part of her was scared that he was going to hurt her, even though deep down she knew he wouldn't.

"Kiley, I'm sorry." Drew said. "Can I please explain to you?"

"No." Kiley said. She was cowering behind Topher. Drew's expression dropped. 

"Drew." TC said. "You two just need some space for a little bit."

"I'll take care of Kiley." Topher said. Drew nodded before walking off. "Ki, do you want me to take you to the cafeteria and get you something?" Topher asked. Kiley nodded and followed him.

After a few minutes, Kiley and Topher were sitting at a table in the hospital cafeteria. Topher had gotten Kiley a cookie.

"Are you ok?" He asked her.

"Yeah." Kiley said.

"You seemed really upset." Topher said.

"It's just." Kiley started.

"What?" Topher asked.

"I thought he was going to hit me." Kiley said.

"Kiley, you know Drew would never hit you." Topher said.

"I know. I hate that I thought that because I know he wouldn't." Kiley said. "I just have never seen him that angry and it scared me."

"It's ok." Topher said. "It's just been a little crazy for Drew lately."

"I know." Kiley said.

While Topher was talking to Kiley, TC and Drew were talking. "T, I can't believe I lashed out like that in front of Kiley." Drew said. "She looked terrified."

"I'm sure she knows you didn't mean to scare her." TC said.

"I need to apologize and explain." Drew said.

"Maybe you should give her a little time to calm down." TC said. Drew nodded.

A little bit later, Kiley was back in the break room. She was close to falling asleep, when Drew walked in. Kiley suddenly became scared. She hated that she was scared of Drew. Drew saw Kiley's expression.

"Kiley, can I please talk to you for a moment?" He asked. Kiley nodded. Drew sat next to her on the couch. "I'm so sorry about earlier." He said.

"Why did you do that?" Kiley asked.

"I was angry because a homeless guy didn't want me treating him because I was gay." Drew explained.

"But, that's wrong." Kiley said. "You shouldn't be treated differently for something that you have no control over."

"You're right. It is wrong." Drew said. "But, not everyone sees it that way."

"I'm sorry." Kiley said.

"Are you ok?" Drew asked. Kiley nodded. "You can tell me if you aren't." Drew said. "I'm sure I scared you pretty badly."

"Part of me thought you were going to hit me." Kiley confessed.

Drew was really hating himself now. He had done everything he could to show Kiley that he would never hurt her and he had ruined that in a blind moment of rage. "I'm so sorry, Kiley." Drew said. He noticed her crying.

"I know you wouldn't, but I just have never seen you get that mad." Kiley said.

"I know." Drew said. "When I stormed in here earlier, I was angry and didn't notice at first that you were in here." Kiley nodded. "Kiley, I promise I would never hit you." Drew said.

"I know." Kiley said. "I'm sorry for thinking that you would."

"You have nothing to be sorry for." Drew said. He pulled her into a hug. "I'm so sorry, Ki."

"It's ok." Kiley said. "I'm sorry you're dealing with a lot."

"It's not your fault, but thank you." Drew said. "Well, I need to get back to work."

"Yeah. I think I'm going to go back to sleep." Kiley said.

"Ok." Drew said.

"I love you, Dad." Kiley said.

"I love you too, sweetheart." Drew said, kissing her on the forehead. He stood up and walked out of the room. Kiley fell back asleep.

That morning, Kiley and Drew were with a reporter. Just then, they saw Rick.

"Rick!" Kiley said.

"Hey Kiley." Rick said, hugging her.

"Are you moving back in?" Kiley asked.

"I am." Rick said.

"Yay." Kiley said. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Ki." Rick said.

A reporter came over to them. "You guys ready?" She asked. Drew and Rick looked at each other.

"I think so." Rick said.

Drew looked at Kiley. "Do you want to do this?" He asked. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

"A chance to be on tv." Kiley said. "Like I'm going to turn that down." Drew and Rick chuckled. The three of them did the interview.

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