Chapter 8

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One night, Kiley was putting dishes away with Drew. He had stepped out of the room for a moment. Kiley was putting a dish away on a shelf, but it was a little too high and she dropped the plate. Drew rushed into the room. Kiley was scared that he would be mad and hit her for breaking the plate.

"What happened?" Drew asked.

"The shelf was too high when I was putting a plate away and I dropped it." Kiley said.

"It's ok." Drew said.

"I'm sorry. It was an accident." Kiley said, cowering in the corner. "Please don't hit me."

Drew's expression softened. "Kiley, I'm not angry with you." Drew said. "And I'm not going to hit you."

"You aren't?" Kiley asked, shocked.

"Of course not." Drew said. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah." Kiley said.

"Come here." Drew said. "Be careful of the pieces." Kiley went over to Drew, making sure to step over the broken pieces. She looked at Drew. She was still a little scared.

"Kiley, I would never hurt you the way your other foster parents did." Drew said. "I promise." Kiley nodded. "Why don't go watch tv or something." Drew said. "I'll clean this up and finish doing the dishes." Kiley nodded again. She went to her room.

Later that night, Kiley woke up from another nightmare. She had been having them for the last couple of nights. She had beads of sweat on her forehead and she was breathing heavy.

"Kiley." Drew said as he sat up in bed. "Are you ok." Drew had been letting her sleep in his room with him and he had been working day shifts so he could be here for Kiley. Kiley didn't answer. She didn't even realize Drew was in the room. She was kind of in a trance with her nightmare still in her mind.

"Kiley?" Drew said. He touched her shoulder. Kiley jerked away.

"Don't touch me." She said. "Please stop." Drew got the feeling that she wasn't talking to him.

"Kiley!" He said, trying to get her attention. Kiley snapped out of her trance. She looked around her room and saw Drew.

"Drew?" Kiley said. "I'm sorry."

"Are you ok?" Drew asked.

"Yeah." Kiley said.

"You're not ok." Drew asked. "Kiley, what's wrong? This is the third night you have woken up from a nightmare like this." Kiley was quiet. "Talk to me." Drew said. "Please."

Kiley sighed. "My previous foster father did more than just hit me." She answered, looking down at her lap.

"What do you mean?" Drew asked.

"He would touch me in a way that made me uncomfortable." Kiley replied.

Drew realized where she was going with this. "Kiley, did he touch you inappropriately?" He asked. Kiley nodded. "I'm going to ask you something and I need you to be honest when you answer." Drew said.

"Ok." Kiley said. Drew hesitated before asking the next question. "What?" Kiley asked.

"Did your foster father have sex with you?" Drew asked. Instead of answering, Kiley started to cry, which answered Drew's question. "Hey. It's ok." Drew said.

"He always told me I deserved to be hit and have that done to me. Kiley said.

"Kiley, that is not true." Drew said. "What he did was wrong and you are not to blame for it." Kiley continued to cry. "Shh. You're ok." Drew said, trying to calm her down. "Hey, look at me." Kiley looked up at Drew. "You're safe now." Drew said. "No one is going to hurt you again. I promise." Kiley nodded.

"Go back to sleep." Drew said. He softly sang to Kiley to help her fall asleep. Kiley calmed down and fell back asleep. Drew held her and stroked her hair as she slept.

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