Chapter 30

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Kiley woke up to her alarm going off. She hit the snooze button. But after a few minutes, there was knocking on her door.

"Kiley, time to get up." She heard Rick. Kiley groaned. "Come on. You're going to be late for school." Rick said.

"Alright, I'm up." Kiley said. She climbed out of bed and started to get dressed. She changed into a sleeveless mint green shirt with white pants and matching mint green shoes.

Once Kiley finished getting ready, she grabbed her stuff and headed out of her room

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Once Kiley finished getting ready, she grabbed her stuff and headed out of her room.

Drew was waiting. "Good morning, sweetheart." He greeted her.

"Morning Dad." Kiley said.

"Come on." Drew said.

"You're taking me to school today?" Kiley asked.

"Yeah, why not." Drew said.

"I need to eat breakfast first." Kiley said.

"I thought I would take you out to breakfast before school." Drew said.

"Okay." Kiley said, smiling.

"Let's go." Drew said.

"Have a good day at school, Kiley." Rick said.

"Bye Rick." Kiley said. She followed Drew out the door and climbed into the truck.

They went to a cafe near the high school. Kiley ordered chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and orange juice.

"Kiley, I'm really sorry how I left things with you when I left." Drew said. "I never meant to keep anything from you and I never meant to upset you. I just didn't know how to tell you."

"It's ok." Kiley said.

"And I'm sorry you had such a hard time while I was gone." Drew added.

"I feel guilty for being so upset." Kiley said.

"What do you mean?" Drew asked.

"Most kids who have parents in the military have been overseas close to a year of longer." Kiley said. "You've only been gone for three months and I'm acting like you've been gone for a year."

"Kiley, you have nothing to feel guilty about." Drew said. "I know how difficult it was for you while I was gone. It doesn't matter how long I was gone for. Alright." Kiley nodded. "Finish eating so I can get you to school." Drew said.

Kiley finished eating and Drew drove her to school.

"Have a good day, sweetie." Drew said.

"Bye Dad." Kiley said, getting out of the car. She made her way into the high school and headed to her locker.

"Hey Kiley." Hannah said as she approached her.

"Hi Hannah." Kiley said.

"How are you?" Hannah asked.

"I'm great." Kiley said.

"Glad to have Drew back home?" Hannah asked.

"Definitely." Kiley said, smiling.

"I'm glad you have him back." Hannah said.

"Thanks Han." Kiley said. "Let's get to home room." The two headed to their home room.

At lunch, Kiley was sitting with Hannah. While they ate, they heard Alyssa and her group of friends walking by. They were clearly talking about Kiley and made sure to stop close enough where she could hear them.

"The video's obviously for attention." Alyssa said. "No one cares that her foster father is home." There was a pause and then they heard, "Hi Justin."

Kiley and Hannah looked up to see Justin approaching everyone.

"Leave her alone, Alyssa." He said.

"Excuse me?" Alyssa asked.

"Men and women are putting their lives on the line for your freedom. So many families are missing family members who are overseas risking their lives." Justin said. "How about you be a little considerate."

Kiley and Hannah couldn't help smirking at each other over Alyssa being left speechless.

Justin went over to them. "For what it's worth, I thought the video was really cool and I'm glad you have your foster Dad back home." He said to Kiley.

"Thanks Justin." Kiley said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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