Chapter 22

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One evening, Kiley was helping Rick clean up dinner.

"I'm heading to work." Drew said, coming into the kitchen. "I'll see you two in the morning."

"Bye Dad." Kiley said.

"Have a good shift." Rick said.

Drew kissed Rick and kissed Kiley on the top of the head before walking out of the house.

"Thanks for helping me with the dishes, Kiley." Rick said.

"You're welcome." Kiley said. "So, are you going to take that job in South Carolina?"

"I don't think so." Rick said.

"Why not?" Kiley asked.

"Because your and Drew's lives are here in San Antonio." Rick answered.

"I'm sure we would go with you." Kiley said.

"I know, but you just got settled in with Drew and if Drew applies to another hospital, there's a possibility he'll have to start his residency over again and I don't want that." Rick explained. "I found another job, so I can stay here with you guys."

"What is it?" Kiley asked.

"I'll be training officers for the SWAT team." Rick answered.

"Cool." Kiley.

"So, I wanted to ask you something." Rick said.

"What?" Kiley asked.

"How would you feel if I asked Drew to marry me?" Rick asked.

"Why are you asking me?" Kiley asked. "You guys were together before he started fostering me."

"I know." Rick said. "But, you're part of his life and I want to make sure you're ok with it."

"I would love for you and Drew to get married." Kiley said.

"I'm glad you do." Rick said, smiling. "I was thinking we could get married this weekend. The three of us can go to a court in New Mexico and then stay in a hotel for the weekend."

"Why can't you guys get married here?" Kiley asked.

"Gay marriages aren't legal everywhere yet. And that's the case here in Texas." Rick explained. "The closest area where it is legal is in Santa Fe, New Mexico."

"Oh." Kiley said. "But, shouldn't it just be the two of you?"

"Like I said, you're part of Drew's life now. I'm sure he would want you to be apart of this." Rick said. "And so do I." Kiley nodded and smiled. "We'll pick up Drew at the hospital in the morning and leave from there." Rick said. "So, go pack a bag."

"Ok." Kiley said before heading to her room.

The next morning, Rick pulled up in front of the hospital.

"Can I hide in the back and surprise Drew?" Kiley asked.

"Sure." Rick said. "Just be careful." He made sure Kiley got into the ok before walking towards the hospital entrance.

A few minutes later, Kiley heard Drew and Rick approaching the truck.

"But, I don't want you to give up that other job because of me." Drew said.

"I'm doing it for us. When I came back to you, I made a commitment." Rick said. "And I don't want to make Kiley move when she just got settled in with you here. I love you and I love Kiley. And I want to be with you both here."

"I want that, too." Drew said. He was quiet for a moment. "What are we waiting for." He said. "Let's just do it. Let's get married."

Rick started laughing. "I was actually going to ask you." Rick said. "I packed the bags and made hotel reservations. We can be in Santa Fe by tonight."

"We can't just leave right this moment." Drew said. "What about Kiley? We need to find someone to watch her."

"Actually." Rick started.

Kiley stood up. "Hi Dad." She said.

"I was thinking she could go with us." Rick said. "Make a weekend out of it."

Drew laughed. "Alright." He said. "Let's go."

"Yay!" Kiley explained.

"Come on." Drew said. "You're not riding in the bed of the truck."

"Aww." Kiley said. He helped Kiley out of the bed of the truck. "At least I get to miss school today." Kiley said as she climbed into the truck. "And maybe Monday. Depending on when we come back."

"Oh no." Drew said. "You are only missing one day."

"Fine." Kiley said.

They got to Santa Fe by early evening. They ended up stopping twice. Once because Kiley got carsick and the other was to grab something to eat and use the restroom. Drew pulled into a spot in the hotel parking lot.

"I'm sorry about earlier." Kiley said. "I should have said before that I get carsick on long distance rides."

"It's ok, Kiley." Rick said.

"How are you feeling now?" Drew asked.

"Much better." Kiley answered.

"Good." Drew said.

"Come on." Rick said. "Let's check into the hotel, set our bags in our room, and look for the nearest courthouse." Drew and Kiley nodded as they all walked into the hotel.

AN: Just letting you guys know that I changed Kiley's face claim from Bailee Madison to Mackenzie Foy. I apologize for the confusion. I wanted to change it to Mackenzie.

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