Chapter 12

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Two weeks went by. Rick had released from the hospital and had moved in with Drew and Kiley.

Kiley woke up to her alarm. She yawned and stretched before getting out of bed and going over to her closet. She changed into a plain blue shirt, jeans, and flats.

After getting dressed, she packed her gym bag. She had her first track meet today since joining.

Once she finished getting everything together, Kiley grabbed her stuff and made her way downstairs. Rick and Drew in the kitchen, making breakfast.

"Morning Kiley." Drew said.

"Hey guys." Kiley said. "What's for breakfast?"

"Cinnamon French toast with scrambled eggs." Rick answered.

"Cinnamon French toast is my favorite." Kiley said.

"Is it?" Drew asked.

"Yeah." Kiley said.

"It'll be ready in a minute." Rick said.

"Ok." Kiley said. She grabbed a glass and poured milk into it. Drew and Rick set plates on the table and the three of them sat down.

"Kiley, how's school going so far?" Rick asked.

"It's good." Kiley  replied. "I have my first track meet today."

"Oh. That's right." Drew said.

"You're coming, right?" Kiley asked.

"Of course." Drew said. "I wouldn't miss it."

"Is it ok if I come to your track meet?" Rick asked.

"Sure." Kiley said.

"Ok." Rick said. They continued to eat. "

Ready to go, Ki?" Drew asked, when they finished eating.

"Yep." Kiley said as she slung her bag over her shoulder.

"Have a good day at school, Kiley." Rick said. "And good luck on your track meet."

"Thanks." Kiley said. "See ya, Rick." She followed Drew outside and got in the truck, heading to the high school.

Later that afternoon, Kiley was getting ready for the track meet. She looked in the stands to see Drew and Rick. They waved to her. Kiley waved to them before turning back around. She smiled to herself. She never had anyone support her like this. In the past, she never took part in extracurricular activities, but she would stay after school to get away from the parents that would hit her.

The whistle blew and Kiley lined with everyone else. The whistle blew again and they all started running.

Kiley ran as fast as she could, along with the nine other runners. She ended up tripping, but immediately got back up. She finished in 6th place. She didn't think that was bad for her first time running. Kiley went over to her bag and drank some water. She noticed she had scraped her knee and it was bleeding.

"Kiley, you were great." She heard someone say. She looked up to see Drew and Rick.

"Thank you." Kiley said.

"Are you ok?" Drew asked, pointing to her knee.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Kiley replied.

"Are you sure?" Drew asked. "Let me take a look at it."

"Hey, Dr. Alister." Kiley teased. "I'm fine."

"Alright." Drew said.

Hannah approached them. "You were great out there, Kiley." She said. "6th place isn't bad for your first meet."

"Thanks." Kiley said. The four of them looked at each other for a moment. "Oh. This is Hannah." Kiley said. "Hannah, this my foster father, Drew and Rick, his. Uh."

"Friend." Rick finished.

"It's nice to meet you, Hannah." Drew said.

"You guys too." Hannah said. "See you later, Kiley."

"Bye." Kiley said. Hannah walked away. "I'm sorry I hesitated when I introduced you guys." Kiley said.

"It's ok, Kiley." Rick said. "How about we pick up something to eat on the way home."

"Sounds good to me." Kiley said. "I'm starving." "

Well, I need to get to work." Drew said. "I'll see you two in the morning."

"Bye Drew." Kiley said.  Drew kissed Kiley on the forehead before leaving. Kiley and Rick walked to his truck and got in.

A little bit later, Drew was at work. "Hey Drew." Jordan greeted.

"Hey Jordan." Drew said.

"How's Kiley doing?" Jordan asked.

"She's getting better." Drew answered. "Therapy's working and she's sleeping in her own bed again. She's still having some nightmares, though."

"That's good to hear, aside from the nightmares." Jordan said.

"She joined her school's track team." Drew continued.

"That's great." Jordan said. "How's it going?"

"Her first track meet was this afternoon." Drew replied. "She came in 6th against nine other runners."

"That's awesome." Jordan said before they both got back to work.

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