Chapter 4

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A day later, Kiley was laying in her hospital bed watching tv.

"Hey Ki." Drew said, walking into the room. He set a bag on the table. "I brought you some lunch."

"It's not from the cafeteria, is it?" Kiley asked.

"No." Drew said.

"Good, because the food here is gross." Kiley said.

"Not going to argue with that." Drew said, chuckling. He sat in the chair next to Kiley's bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Good." Kiley said. "You know, you don't have to visit me every day. Don't you need to get sleep before your shift?"

"I don't mind." Drew said.

"At least having someone to talk to keeps me from dying of boredom." Kiley joked.

"I'll be right back." Drew said. He walked out of the room and a minute later, was back with a wheelchair. "Come on." Drew said.

"Where are we going?" Kiley asked.

"To get some fresh air." Drew said. "Grab your lunch." Kiley grabbed the bag and got out of bed. She still was in a little bit of pain. Drew helped her into the wheelchair. He wheeled her outside and over to a table.

"So, what did you bring me?" Kiley asked as she took the stuff out of the bag.

"A burger, fries, soda, and candy." Drew said.

"What kind of candy?" Kiley asked.

"Why don't you look and see." Drew said. Kiley took the candy bar out of the bag. She had to look twice to make sure it was what she thought it was.

"You got me Wonka bar." Kiley said. "Like from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory."

"Yep." Drew said. "But you need to eat the rest of your lunch first before having the candy bar.

"Ok." Kiley said as she started to eat.

"So, how's that book?" Drew asked.

"It's good." Kiley asked. "I finished reading it."

"Do you mind if I ask you how you ended up in the foster system?" Drew asked.

"I've been in the foster system my whole life. My parents gave me up when I was a baby." Kiley answered. "I've been shuffled around to so many different foster homes over the years.

"How long were you in your current foster home?" Drew asked.

"Around 3 months." Kiley replied. "This wasn't the first foster home that I was beaten in."

"Kiley, I'm so sorry." Drew said. "You shouldn't of had to go through that."

"It's ok." Kiley said. "It's not like you could've done anything."

"Well, I'm trying to do something now." Drew said.

"Why?" Kiley said. "We met briefly a month ago and you don't know anything about me."

"I care about you, Kiley." Drew said. "I saw how scared you were when you came in for your broken arm and I wanted to do something to help."

"You really care about me?" Kiley asked.

"Yes." Drew said. Kiley started to tear up.

"What's wrong?" Drew asked, concerned.

"I'm sorry." Kiley said as she used her sleeve to wipe the tears away. "It's just. No one has ever really cared about me besides Amy. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Drew said

"Is it ok if I hug you?" Kiley asked.

"Yeah." Drew said.

Kiley stood up and hugged Drew. Drew hugged her back, holding her tightly. When they pulled apart, Kiley sat back down and continued to eat.

"So, I got a room set up for you at my apartment." Drew said.

"You do?" Kiley asked.

"Yeah." Drew said.

"Awesome." Kiley said. "So, you know about me. What about you?"

"Well, obviously as you've seen, I'm a doctor." Drew said. "I've served overseas as an army medic and still do when I'm needed."

"Really?" Kiley asked.

"Yeah. Topher and TC have too." Drew said.

"Cool." Kiley said.

"I also have a boyfriend who is currently serving overseas." Drew said. "His name's Rick. You'll meet him when he gets home."

"Can I see a picture of him?" Kiley asked. Drew opened his phone and showed her a picture of him and Rick. "That's great." Kiley said.

"Just keep it between us." Drew said. "No one else knows."

"You don't want to people to know?" Kiley asked.

"If I do, people will treat me differently." Drew said.

"How do you know that?" Kiley asked.

"I would be coming out as a gay doctor who's a Army veteran. They will treat me differently." Drew said. "My friends and co-workers may be ok with it, but patients will see it differently."

"Well, that's not fair." Kiley said.

"It might not be, but it is what it is." Drew said.

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