Chapter 3: Barbara, Adam, and Eliza

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Barbara grabbed Adam's hand and chased after Lydia, Hoping she wouldn't get into too much trouble.

Except when the entered the portal, they emerged into a room.

"What is going..."

"AH!" They saw a girl in a blue dress scream.

"I am so sorry! We have no clue what is going on!" Adam explained.

"You're - You're In my house!" The woman exclaimed.

"Who are YOU!" She continued

"Barbara and Adam, You are?" Barbara said

"Elizabeth Schuyler."

"WHAT!" Adam exclaimed.


"Can we have a moment?" Barbara asked Elizabeth.

The woman shot them a confused look and walked out of the room.

"OH NO." They both shrieked.

"I know everything that's gonna happen to her..." Adam said.

"What do we do..." Barbara asked.

"I guess... We tell her that we are dead?"

"I guess so."

They found the woman in the room over.

"We will explain everything."

"Please do because WHY!"

"We have gotten transported here... And we are also ghosts..."


"Calm down, but we can't leave... We will get eaten."

"Ok Ok Ok so... Two ghosts got TRANSPORTED into my house and now they cannot leave!"


"Ok... This is a lot to process."

"We understand."

"Ok So you cannot leave?"


"Well then i guess we are stuck together aren't we?" Eliza stated.

"Guess so Eliza!" Adam said.

"If you need anything ask... Do you read do Ghosts read?"

"Yes we do! We'd love to see your books!"

"Great! Um here you go. Enjoy i have to leave and find Alexander."

Barbara and Adam glanced a stark look.

"What year is it?"


Eliza left and they both Stared at eachother.

"We know what's gonna happen... He's gonna cheat Oh my goodness." Barbara panicked.

"I did not want to be caught up in this today." Adam groaned.

Barbara let out a giggle, giving Adam a smile.

He looked and held her hand, Hoping to re assure them both it would be ok.

And in that moment they both knew that was right.

-Written by Ellie-

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