Chapter 17: Orpheus

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Days passed and Orpheus was still burning with a rage that stabbed him like knives.

He needed to get her back. Get her away from that stupid girl who was corrupting her.

However when he went to the house they weren't there, He needed to talk to her, to get Eurydice home.

He mentally cursed himself for letting her get away. It was totally his fault.

He had been staying with one of the men he met, Aaron Burr.

He had ranted about it and Burr sympathized with him, He deserved Eurydice.

He paced around the street for hours waiting, Then he saw them return home.

"EURYDICE!" Orpheus shouted.

"Not again." Eurydice groaned. "What do you want now."

"Come with me."

"Orpheus leave now." Eurydice said.

He grabbed her wrist.

"STOP!" Eurydice shouted.

"What the hell do you think your doing!" Margarita shouted.

"Go away, this doesn't concern you." Orpheus says.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" Margarita screamed.

Margarita walked up to Orpheus.

"Now get away from her." She growled.

"You can't do anything."

Margarita was scared, She didn't know what to do, Her instincts told her to freeze but she didn't, instead she decided to fight back.

"Maybe, but i know people who can." Margarita said.

"Oh ya who."

"My father is in the house there, If he knew he wouldn't be nice about it."

"Oh really bring him out then."

In that moment Orpheus realized what he was doing and was filled with instant regret. He was terrorizing two young girls. Eurydice had a fearful look on her face. Orpheus backed away and left.

Eurydice started crying in Peggy's arms out of fear. Peggy held her, Promising nothing would ever happen to her as long as she's around.

Peggy ran her hands through Eurydice's hair in an attempt to comfort her.

Eurydice stayed there, Scared but at least he left for now.

Orpheus walked back, Ashamed of himself. He didn't know what came over him, He really wanted to go home, He hated this place.

He walked in and Burr greeted him, Noticing that Eurydice wasn't there.

"So somebody is missing." Burr said.

"I've come to my senses, I'm acting like a child."

"Your not, You just want your wife back." Burr said

"I need to leave her alone, I've done enough."

"You haven't done nearly enough." Burr said.

"What do you mean."

"I mean, There's still more you can do."

"I've messed things up enough Burr. Besides there's nothing either of us can do."

"I can handle it." Burr said.

Then Burr went to sleep, And Orpheus followed.

-Written by Ellie-

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