Chapter 10: Persephone and George

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Persephone sat in a chair that was equally decorative and comfortable. Across a small table of tea, biscuits, and ornate cups sat King George the third. She sipped the tea and found it was the perfect balance of bitter and sweet.

"So my dear" The King giggled, "What brings you here?"

"It seems my husband has displaced me from where I want to be" Persephone coddled her teacup.

"And where is that darling?"

"You know, I'm not quite sure."

"I'd be glad to entertain you in the meantime" George's eyes sparkled as he gently set down his own cup. "I don't suppose you have somewhere to stay? I have quite the collection of guest rooms fit for a queen such as yourself."

"That would be quite nice" She laughs lightly taking another sip.

"You said you have a husband? Yes? What separates you from him?"

"I only stay with him during the Winter. He's quite clingy" She smiles lightly.

"I wish I had a clingy husband" George admitted. "So many gorgeous men but they all have wives"

"And all the lovely women have husbands, myself included, so I suppose I mustn't flirt with them."

"An interesting one, are we?"

"I love whatever I can get"

"I don't suppose you want to break up a couple and each take one?" George laughs.

"What's to stop me from taking both?"

"Darling, I am still king here. You wouldn't" He giggles as he raises his cup to his lips and takes a sip.

"You would be correct. And I still have my dear husband once he fixes the mess he made"

"Oh, do tell me more. You've surely only scratched the surface of that story."

"He caused my own displacement as well as that of multiple other people. I'm not supposed to be wherever I am. The humans here are different."

"That's unfortunate" He frowned a little at that. "What do you mean by humans?"

"I mean I am not" She smiled a little further.

"And what would that make you?"

"A goddess." She sighed.

"A queen and a goddess hm? Surely that should be obvious from your beauty and poise."

Persephone blushed, "You flatter me George."

"I simply state it how I see it my dear."

"In the case I'm wondering how you haven't found a husband yet. Surely the men of this country are lacking eyes"

"Perhaps they are" George smirked, the left side of his mouth curling up in a swift movement.

The two continued to sip their tea and talk for hours. Persephone told George all about her life and he told her all about the war and his current affairs. They complimented each other, talked of romance, and laughed at one another's jokes. By the time they were finished the sun had set and the moon was on it's way up. George stood and helped Persephone up, gently kissing the back of her hand with a wide smile. "Good night my dear."

"See you tomorrow then George" Persephone hadn't felt this happy and free since before Hades industrialized. She had completely forgotten she was sober. She hadn't had one urge to drink, or to take morphine. George was all she needed to feel good again.

"Absolutely my dear." They smiled at each other and a young maid led Persephone to her room.

-Written by Juniper-

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