Chapter 13: Eurydice and Peggy

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After their fit of laughter they went to sleep, Weirdly happy considering what just happened. Eurydice wasn't upset, Instead she was happy to be able to enjoy New York without worrying about Orpheus.

The bed was comfortable, Way more comfortable then she expected It felt like she was laying on a cloud.

She dozed off while Peggy was contemplating about what happened, More specifically her reaction when Orpheus called Eurydice his wife.

She tossed and turned, Not being able to sleep until very late that night.

The next morning they both woke up. They got dressed and then went downstairs.

"We are gonna have a Picnic if that's alright?" Peggy asked.

"Of course!"

They walked to a nearby park and laid the blanket down. They put down the basket which was filled with a variety of fruit and Cheeses.

Birds were chirping around them, and it wasn't too hot or too cold. Tons of flowers surrounded them of countless vibrant colours. Eurydice was entranced by the place.

They both dug in, Trying all the different fruit the basket had to offer.

"What made you decide to do this today?" Eurydice asked.

"I don't know, it just seemed like a fun thing to do!" Peggy responded.

Then they laid on the blanket, joking about random things they saw moving through the park like birds or even lavish carriages.

"The only thing i don't like about New York, Is how snobby most people are." Peggy said in between bites of food.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"There's so many Rich annoying people, See that lady?" Peggy asked.


"She complained about my sister marrying Alex because he isn't rich, Yet she had an affair with her butler." Peggy said.

"How hypocritical!" Eurydice rolled her eyes.

"I know! I love New York but there's so many people like that."

Eurydice slightly giggled.

They talked about their lives and thoughts for hours. Eurydice telling her what happened before she arrived here. Peggy listened Intently, Eurydice told the story with such poise that entranced her.

"How are you so good at story telling!" Peggy said.

"I guess i always have been." Eurydice smirked.

The story explained why Orpheus went looking for her, and why Eurydice wasn't happy with him. Peggy 100% believed it.

"So any other family i should know about?" Eurydice asked.

"Oh ya, my other sister Angelica. I haven't seen her in a while, i probably should send her a letter." Peggy said.

Then suddenly it started to rain, It got stronger really fast until it was pouring.

"Here!" Peggy said Lifting the blanket over them to cover them from the water rushing down on them.

Eurydice laughed, The predicament was amusing for them both.

The blanket offered Minimal protection from the rain as they both were drenched.

They ran back to the house, Laughing the whole way.

"Well that came out of nowhere!" Eurydice said.

"It did! We should dry off, we don't want to get sick." Peggy stated.

They went to get towels and changed their wet clothes, Excited for the rest of the day.

"What should we do now?" Eurydice asked curiously.

"I guess we have to figure that out won't we?"

"What have i gotten myself into!" Eurydice laughed as Peggy gently threw a pillow at her.

-Written by Ellie-

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