Chapter 7: Eurydice and Peggy

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"It's gonna be fine! How about i show you around New York! There's a lot to do and see." Peggy exclaimed.

"Sure! That'd be lovely."

Peggy shot her a smile which Eurydice returned.

"How about we get some Tea and Food in the Café there?" Peggy suggested.

"That'd be wonderful!" Eurydice replied.

They walked into the Cafe and Were greeted by A collection of all kinds of sweets. Eurydice had no idea what they were but they definitely smelled good.

"What are these?" Eurydice asked, Pointing at a cookie.

"It's a cookie! Do you want one?"


Peggy walked up and talked to the person at the counter. Then came back with two cookies and handed one to Eurydice.

Eurydice took a bite.

"Oh my goodness it's SO GOOD!" Eurydice exclaimed.

Peggy laughed in response.

"You haven't even tried cake yet!" Peggy said.

"What is cake?"

"I'll get some!" Peggy said.

Peggy again walked to the counter and Ordered two slices of Cake and Tea.

Peggy returned and Eurydice immediately wanted to try some.

She took a bite of the cake.

"HOW IS IT SO GOOD!" Eurydice half screamed.

Then Eurydice tried a sip of tea.

"Yum! Thank you so much Peggy!"

"It's no problem, Do you have anywhere to stay?"


"Well if you need my house has tons of space. You can stay there if you want." Peggy said.

"Thank you! So So much for everything!" Eurydice said.

"Now you are going to see a play!" Peggy insisted.

"Let's go then!"

They walked until they reached a theatre, There was a play starting soon. After waiting for a little they payed and got in.

"Wow i have never seen anything like this!"

"Well i hope you enjoy it! There is nothing better then the plays in new york." Peggy bragged.

The actors appeared on stage and The two girls followed intensely.

Eurydice was Entranced by New York, there was no doubt about it, The food and City was everything she could dream of, and she never wanted to leave.

Hours passed and the play ended, Eurydice just wanted to see more of this incredible place.

"Now i'll take you to the library, it's probably the most incredible thing in the city." Peggy said.

"Okay, sounds cool!"

Then Peggy grabbed her hand and dragged her to the largest building possible.

They opened the door and were greeted by Bookshelves that extended to the ceiling.

"How do you even find anything in here!" Eurydice exclaimed.

"I have my ways." Peggy smirked.

They walked through what felt like a maze of Books. Peggy grabbed a book and then handed one to Eurydice.

They found a spot away from everybody else, and sat and read. For hours and hours they stayed in the library, Reading while Peggy made ridiculous jokes.

"Oh shoot the sun is going down!" Peggy shouted.

"Guess we should get going then!"

They walked out the door and through the streets, Finding their way back to the house.

They walked through the door and Peggy saw Eliza there.

"What is going on?" Peggy asked concerned.

"Two random people appeared in my house..."

-Written by Ellie-

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