Chapter 18: Beetlejuice and Jefferson

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Beetlejuice and Jefferson stared at the single bed in the center of the small, cramped, room. Thomas had thought it best to lay low so they had found the least assuming inn in all of France.

"There's only one bed, what do we even do?" Jefferson was more than a little uncomfortable being where he was.

"Each other?" Beetlejuice rasped. Jefferson choked on his own saliva and began coughing at the comment. "No? You're no fun babes."

"You can sleep on the floor." Jefferson's finger drew a path from his companion to the very unsanitary wooden floor.

"I'm happy to share with you sweet-cheeks." Jefferson barely managed to dodge getting spanked by a pervy demon with stupid hair. "Aw c'mon, I'll be a good boy."

Jefferson could see his options were to share the bed or sleep on the floor, "You better be." He set down his bag and walked off toward the bathroom to get changed. He carefully removed his jacket, and then his shirts. He looked around cautiously before finishing his undressing and pulling on a purple night shirt. By the time he stepped back out Beetlejuice had lay down on the far side of the bed and was giving him unnatural grin. "Mmm you look nice." He gave the darker man a once over with his undead gaze.

"And you look..." His eyes fluttered over the striped suit and up to the vibrant green hair, "Interesting." 

"You flatter me, sexy" He honestly found the politician gorgeous, which was very different from the former most attractive person he had seen. Adam had been middle class, suburban, and white, while Thomas Jefferson was none of the above.

There was an awkward silence before Jefferson carefully lay on top of the blankets on his side of the uncomfortable old bed. After a few minutes of waiting for the other to speak Thomas gave up and spoke, "Why is your hair green?"

"I'm dead." Beetlejuice replied calmly.

Jefferson pulled back shocked and rolled to the floor, "Shit, the fuck does that mean Beetlejuice?"

"It means I'm not alive?" He was genuinely confused, "I'm a demon straight from hell" He explained further when no response came from the man on the floor. Perhaps he would sleep there after all.

"You're going to do something to me aren't you" Jefferson scooched back a little more.

"Only if you ask nicely." He rolled on to his back, floating just above the bed. The fear he could smell off of Jefferson for some reason unknown to him made the tips of his hair go purple. "Look, I'm not here to hurt sexy breathers such as yourself, just the annoying ones."

"You better no touch me." Jefferson recovered with a little of his usual sass. The way he had acted made his face go red, a part of him wanted to please the demon on the bed, or more specifically above it.

"No touching?" Beetlejuice pouted like a small child.

"This body works for the government and is very important. No touching." 

"A gay republican?"

"A..." He was hesitant, "Straight motherfucking democratic republican." A voice in the back of his mind told him that something there was a lie but he just pushed it back down with a firm mental shove.

"Adam said he was straight." Beetlejuice smirked, "But damn did he know how to kiss a man."

"I assure you that I am into women." Jefferson looked proud of his argument.

"So am I babes, never stopped me before." Jefferson filed that option away into the do not open section of his thoughts.

"Let's just get some sleep." Thomas very obviously changed the subject offered to him by the demon he had an increasingly hard time ignoring his attraction to.

"Sure thing gorgeous." With a snap of his fingers the born-dead fell back to the bed as his companion climbed back into it. 

Thomas lay awake hours after Beetlejuice had fallen asleep, he thought about all the things he wanted with a man, but he liked women. Beetlejuice had suggested both, but that wasn't him. Was it? He eventually fell asleep until he woke up wrapped around the man next to him, and he liked it.

-Written by Juniper-

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