Chapter 15: Barbara, Adam and Eliza

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They were all setting up, They invited Peggy and Eurydice over for Tea.

Barbara and Adam cleaned the Teacups and Plates while Eliza made biscuits.

A couple of minutes later they heard a knock on the door.

"Hello!" Peggy said.

"Your finally here!" Eliza exclaimed.

"You must be Peggy and Eurydice! Nice to meet you i am Barbara and this is Adam."

"Nice to meet you!" Eurydice said.

"Come sit!" Eliza Insisted.

All of sat down while Alex joined them.

"So what have you two been up to." Adam asked.

"Oh we had a picnic yesterday!" Peggy said a blush creeping on her face thinking about it.

"Didn't it rain?"

"Ya... We got caught out there, we had to run home with a blanket on our heads." Peggy said still blushing.

"Ya and then you threw a pillow at me!" Eurydice said.

They laughed and continued talking. Eliza had never seen Peggy like this, it was strange. She looked helpless.

The more they talked the more Eliza noticed Peggy's strange demeanour. She didn't know what was the cause of it but it was amusing to watch.

Then Eliza noticed how Eurydice's mood matched Peggy's, the nervousness and blushing. Then it hit her.

Peggy had a crush.

Eliza wanted to be a matchmaker in a way, but she decided to leave it, after all it wasn't her business.

She found Peggy's nervousness adorable, It was so unlike her normally confident, outgoing sister.

Alexander however, knew exactly what was going on right away. Peggy always confided in him so she had ranted about her feelings for Eurydice before in letters she had sent.

To him it was obvious Eurydice at least somewhat returned the feelings, but knowing Peggy she never liked talking about how she feels.

Meanwhile Barbara was practically squealing at the romance quite obviously between the two girls. When she got the oppurtunity she pulled Eurydice aside.

"I know I'm not your mom or anything, but I think I'm pretty good at getting a partner" She smiled at Adam, "And you need to talk to Peggy." Eurydice's face erupted red and blood rushed to her face.

"Is it that obvious?" She whispered cautiously.

"Very." Barbara nodded "But you have to be tactical, make the perfect, most sweetest way to confess."

"You really think I should."

"Oh yes, if you feel it's right that is."

"I do." Eurydice reached out to hug Barbara laughing a little awkwardly when her arms went through her but Barbara seemed to be happy with the thought behind the motion. "I was never close with my mom, but if I could pick a mom, I'd pick you." Barbara teared up a bit and smiled.

"You go get yourself a girlfriend."

The two went back to join the rest.

They kept talking until the sun started to set, Then Eurydice and Peggy left, And Eliza and Alex shot each other a look.

"It's so obvious!" Eliza laughed.

"It really is." Alex said with a smile.

Then they all went to bed, temporarily forgetting the events of the day before. As Eurydice lay awake all she could think about was what Barbara had advised. Maybe she was ready? She would soon see.

-Written by Ellie, edited and added to by Juniper-

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