Chapter 20: Eurydice and Peggy (Part 2)

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They embraced when they heard a voice say.

"What the hell is this MARGARITA!"

Peggy turned in the direction of the all too familiar voice.

"Father!" She stumbled.


Peggy burst into a sob, more powerful then Anything Eurydice had ever seen.

"Shut up!" Eurydice screamed.

Peggy ran and practically clung onto Eurydice. Not being able to articulate anything in between gut wrenching sobs.

"Can't you see what you've done already!" Eurydice said.

"Your one to talk! I leave and come home to see MY DAUGHTER DOING THIS!"

Peggy's sobs got even louder, Her mind was consumed with emptiness, she could barely think barely breathe.

"GET THE HELL OUT!" He yelled.

Peggy wanted to sob louder but it was Physically impossible, she wanted to collapse to the floor.

Eurydice knew they had to leave but she didn't know if Peggy could even walk with how loud she was sobbing.

Peggy knew she had to breath, She took a deep breath and got the strength to nod and walk out the door. Not even bothering to grab her things, Eurydice held her hand while they left hoping it would provide her some comfort.

Then they walked in complete silence, Peggy couldn't say a word or else she thought she would completely break. She gripped onto Eurydice's hand seemingly for dear life, Trying not to let tears overwhelm her.

Then they reached Elizas house, They arrived and then Peggy burst back into tears, Not even able to knock on the door.

Seeing Peggy like this made Eurydice want to cry aswell, but she knew she needed to stay composed for Peggy's sake.

Eurydice knocked on the door, Barbara answering and opening the door to see Peggy collapsed in tears.

"ELIZA, ADAM, ALEX!" Barbara yelled.

They heard three people rush to the door.

"Come on it's gonna be alright, Let's get you to the couch." Barbara said in a comforting voice.

Eurydice helped Peggy up. When they got on the couch Peggy cuddled up to Eurydice, Too tired to cry.

Eurydice stroked Peggy's head, Running her hands through her hair.

After a couple of minutes both girls fell asleep. Exhausted from what happened only minutes before.

When they woke up Everybody was concerned asking what happened.

Peggy sat up, not knowing what else to do.

"Her father... We got our feelings out and her father heard, He screamed and..."

"Oh my goodness." Barbara said running over to them and embracing Peggy.

Eliza running over right after and hugging her sister.

"I'm gonna kill him! How fucking dare he." Alex snarled.

"Margarita, I'm so sorry it's all my..."

"Eurydice, It's not your fault, I promise, If it means i can be with you like this, Then i wouldn't have it any other way."

Peggy hugged her, Assuring Eurydice that it wasn't either of their faults.

"I'll get you some water." Adam said.

He was very upset seeing them like this, Peggy especially, He never would have expected to see her that distraught.

He brought them water which Helped Peggy's throat which was sore from crying.

Eurydice rested her head on Peggy's shoulder as everybody talked, Barbara and Eliza had dessert for everyone, Then they prepared a spare room for them to stay in for the time being, However long that may take.

"I'm gonna leave, i have some special words for that guy." Hamilton said.

-Written by Ellie-

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