Chapter 16: Persephone and George

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Warning: Mention of suicidal thoughts

Today's tea was more preplanned and had little sandwiches. George had had his gardener bring fresh roses for the table and Persephone appreciated the gesture. In return she made sure that his flowers would bloom brighter than they ever had before to the joy of both George and the elderly gardener.

"Thank you again for letting me stay. It's just so wonderful here George" She nibbled her cheese sandwich and George smiled genuinely.

"Darling, if only the colonies agreed"

"You simply asked them to pay the same fee as everyone else, politics in this place really are quite strange. It all seems fair to me." Persephone thought for a moment, "I suppose I didn't pay much attention to politics up top before either." Her hands fidgeted guiltily as she remembered those days living it up on top, and all the hard liquor she drank.

"You look uncomfortable, Flower" George noticed and gently acknowledged.

"Just some regrets. You really wouldn't be interested."

"If it bothers you I would like to know so that it can bother me to" He reached across the table and gently lifted her chin so that he could stare into her eyes. "What is it?"

"I-" Persephone shifted in her seat, "I used to drink so much. I still want to some days, and sometimes it feels like if I don't I just can't go on with life." Persephone looked at her half eaten sandwich and sighed heavily, "Some days I'd wake up and think maybe I could just end it all. I don't want to go back to that, and really our- our friendship is the term I suppose, helps me. I regret it all but I'm so scared I'll do it one day. You know, end it all."

Persephone was scared she had made it awkward and was about to apologize when George carefully stood up and and came to stand beside her. He gently wrapped a hand around her back and pulled her close in his arms. "Flower, you mustn't apologize for that. I won't let you apologize for that." 

"Thank you" Persephone had tears running down her face but she looked up at George and a smile graced her delicate features. George used his finger and wiped a tear from her eye.

"You won't" He was confident.

"I won't what?" She felt comfortable in his arms. Soothed.

"Wake up one day and end it." He smiled softly, "I won't let you do that either." She buried her face in his red shirt and sobbed as he just stood there and held her.

Minutes passed before Persephone calmed down and she pulled away taking a big gulp of tea, "Thank you" she repeated. Her mind was filled as she analyzed her emotions, a part of her was drawn to him, and the whole of her had felt her anxiety slip away in his arms. She loved him, she thought. She didn't love him in the same way she did her husband, it was different, but it was blooming love all the same.

George gently slid back into his seat, "You can talk to me whenever you want darling. And never apologize for how you feel, not only is it completely unneeded but it is quite unbecoming of such a resplendent and intelligent woman." He smiled and she smiled back. "And if anybody says anything else I will send a fully armed battalion after them." Persephone laughed at that and took another bite of her food. She was going to be alright, and George was going to make sure of it. That made her feel like making the most of being flesh and bone. Of making the most of living.

-Written by Juniper-

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