Chapter 12: Beetlejuice and Jefferson

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Beetlejuice and Jefferson had spent hours drinking, talking, and doing all kinds of drugs.

"So now," Jefferson slurred, "I gotta deal with King Louis." He had been complaining about his duties for a while.

"You could just kill him." Beetlejuice offered. Nobody ever seemed to want to go with this plan but he always suggested it anyway.

"That's not a bad idea" A very drunk Thomas nodded.

"You got it sexy" Beetlejuice grinned. "You just wait here for me, yeah? This will be quick." Beetlejuice was never particularly against killing, and was quite excited to do so not bound to a house in Connecticut. "I'm gone" A poof of smoke appeared before he gave up and used the door.

Beetlejuice stalked into the large palace and began to search for his target. With a flick of his fingers the fire in the sconces went green and purple. The doors swung open as he walked past and the staff screamed. It truly was a beautiful sound. Eventually he found his victim sitting and conversing with a young servant. He had a white wig and a round face. The servant looked at him and went pale, slowly walking away from both him and the King of France.

"Okay time for you to die." Beetlejuice stated.

"Guards!" The king frantically yelled, and when no one came running he cowered. Beetlejuice grabbed a small baton from inside his suit jacket and in a swift upwards motion it became a miniature spear. "Apprehend him!" The king called again, this time more desperately.

"It's showtime" Chains erupted from the chair on which the victim sat and began to wrap around his wrists and waist until he was securely fastened to the seat. Beetlejuice somewhat clumsily wielded the weapon and in a small, quick motion slit his throat allowing blood to drip onto the now super dead king's garments. Beetlejuice later debated if a guillotine would have provided more entertainment, maybe he could have kept the head in a basket as a souvenir?

Back at the pub Thomas Jefferson was slowly coming around, but had a terrible headache.

"I'm back, stud" Beetlejuice crowed as he burst through the door all too loudly for his very hung over companion.

"From where?" Jefferson was missing about thirty minutes of time and surely that had something to do with where BJ had gone.

"Killing the king" Beetlejuice replied bluntly.

"Whaaaa- Shit." Jefferson began to panic "The fuck were you thinking?"

"That it would be fun." The tips of his hair turned a deeper green.

Thomas looked around cautiously, "You think we, I mean you, can get away with it?" He whispered, face close to his companion's.

"Of course babe" He closed the space and their lips met briefly. Beetlejuice smirked, looking victorious. He quite often ended up making out when he met people and it had become a game to him. Thomas' face was hot as blood rushed to his cheeks. He tried to hide it, after all he was into women. His type was definitely not chaotic murderers, at least not when they were men.

"I suppose I don't need to stay in France anymore" Thomas quickly regained his composure on the surface, though his mind was whirring with thoughts of the kiss.

"Then let's get out of here Tommy boy" Beetlejuice pulled up the other man as they decided to go to America. Anyway, they were now both involved with a murder and Jefferson thought it best to leave the country. "We can find a room to share tonight?" And once more Thomas was a blushing mess for the oblivious demon. It was definitely going to be an interesting night.

-Written by Juniper-

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