Chapter 11: Orpheus

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Orpheus looked for ages, Then he saw Eurydice, she was with a girl, Most likely around her age.

They were Joking around, Orpheus noticed how Eurydice blushed when the other girl spoke, and how the other girls hand was Very close to Eurydices.

This Eurydice was very different then the one he left in the afterlife. Especially her clothing, And he was not happy about it.

"Eurydice!" Orpheus shouted.

"Orpheus... You're here!" She said hiding her Disappointment.

"Yes i am, I've come to take you with me."

In that moment, What Orpheus said hit a huge nerve, Not even an Apology, Not a nice to see you! Just come with me? What was he thinking.

"What?" Eurydice said giving him a glare.

"Come on, we don't have time to waste."

"No, I like it here! I like this, You think i'm going to pretend your Naivety didn't almost doom me to a life of Misery! I'm not going with you Orpheus!"

"We can go home!"

"No Orpheus Just leave."

"Why can't you forgive me."

"Forgive you!" Eurydice let out a sarcastic laugh. "I was starving because you were focused on your stupid SONG! I don't want to go home with you! Leave me alone."



"You have no place in this!" Orpheus said.

"I am her friend, When a friend is being bugged by a random Guy who looks 12 I will step in."

"Who even are you."

"Margarita Schuyler. Now get away from my house!"

Orpheus Let out a huff, Eurydice was being so stubborn, Who even was this girl, And why did Eurydice blush near her,

"Ok Margarita now let me get my wife."

"WIFE!" Peggy stared at Eurydice, Her heart slightly breaking at that word.

"Not anymore." Eurydice said. Glaring at Orpheus.

That made Peggy feel better, She didn't know why, It was a silly feeling, why did that bug her so much.

However Orpheus was Fuming with rage, He walked away in a frenzy.

"I cannot believe Eurydice is being so damn dramatic!"

Orpheus yelled to himself while throwing a rock at the ground.

He walked the streets aimlessly, Not knowing where to go.

He didn't know this place, He needed to get home, And Eurydice was going to go with him.

However Peggy and Eurydice burst into a fit of Laughter, It was probably not the most normal reaction considering what just happened but they couldn't take anything seriously in this moment.

-Written by Ellie-

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