Chapter 21: Beetlejuice and Jefferson

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Thomas Jefferson had his long legs wrapped around a still sleeping demon. He tried to pull away without waking him but failed.

"Morning, handsome" His eyes opened a crack.

Jefferson blushed and yanked his legs back and against his abdomen. They were so close he could smell the rot on the demon's breath. "Hello" is all his mouth would form.

"Hello." The half asleep man replied.

"I'm going to go get dressed." He stood up, neck and cheeks still rosy.

"mmm" He snapped his fingers and Jefferson was fully clothed in his magenta suit.

"Thanks?" He looked down at himself and voted to ignore the demonic powers that had straightened his wrinkled suit.

Beetlejuice's hair was a pale green as he sleepily stood and gestured for Thomas to approach. "I really shouldn't teleport you but I will." he waved a hand, "You'll probably be fine."

Beetlejuice picked up Thomas bridle style to which he squirmed to no avail, "Is this necessary?"

"Nope" He popped the P and smiled down at the gangly man whose arms were forced around his neck for comfort. "Don't be afraid to hold on, I mean, we already slept together."

"Not like that." Thomas rolled his eyes and it honestly wasn't hard to allow himself to wrap himself around the shorter man again.

"You can climb me any day babe." And with a small hand movement the hotel room faded away. When the world returned it was a large city he recognized as New York. Beetlejuice winked down at him and their bags suddenly floated behind them. Thomas felt dizzy but otherwise fairly stable as he glanced around and saw the strange looks they got from people passing by. This time when he wiggled he was released, almost falling to the ground before being caught by an invisible force an inch from impact. The force pushed him up and to his feet before disappearing. "Careful, love" This sentence caught the demon off guard even from his own lips. Love wasn't a nickname he used and it's sudden appearance would've been an obvious clue to readers he was certain. When Jefferson proceeded to blush he simply pondered the strange habits of breathers' blood.

The two men walked and conversed, Beetlejuice flirting, Thomas blushing awkwardly, and the luggage floating behind. This continued until a Puerto-Rican man, somehow shorter than Beetlejuice, walked up with a superior look on his face.

"ThomAss Jeffershit." Hamilton nodded, "I have places to be, people to yell at. I'd appreciate it if you would take your poofy hair elsewhere."

"Who the shit is the angry hair model?" Beetlejuice turned to Jefferson.

"Alexander Hamilton." He pushed Thomas aside to shake the demon's hand. In a swift movement Beetlejuice pulled the hand toward him and proceeded to make out with a very confused Hamilton. Jefferson felt something suspiciously like jealousy bubble up inside him as he patiently waited for them to finish. When the born-dead finally pulled away the shorter man gave Thomas a pitying look and rushed off as fast as humanly possible.

"I have homophobes to yell at! Bye!" He pranced away.

"I could kill them!" Beetlejuice yelled back but Hamilton just kept going.

-Written by Juniper-

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