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Deku POV: 

It was just a boring day, just like the others, nothing that much or different. i woke up took a quick shower put on my uniform and went to class, on my way there i met Kacchan in the hall who just greeted me with a "tch".., as i said nothing new. I was very tired today since i didn't sleep a lot last night, i was just busy thinking or better said "overthinking" about the punishment Mr Aizawa told me and Kacchan about yesterday.

...you must wonder why? well that's because me and kacchan had a really big fight yesterday and destroyed some buildings, and we didn't respect the rules. So yesterday while me and kacchan were getting treated by recovery girl after our big fight he said that he will talk to us today after school about our punishment. I'm not really worried about it since i know we deserve it, and especially kacchan because he's been on my nerves lately with his issues at this point and well, as i said i was not in the mood to smile or talk to anyone today so i just went down to class and sat down in my desk in class, not paying attention to anyone and put my head down in my arms as i felt my eyelids grow heavier and heavier but i couldn't fall asleep! no no no no i can't fall asleep so i slapped myself trying to concentrate, as i saw kacchan enter in the class we made eye contact for a few seconds then he sat down in front of me, in his desk and the bell rang. No one really payed attention to me or kacchan asking us questions or whatsoever so i was really happy about that.

The day flew by and we didn't really do anything new, just some combat stuff and nothing much, they also gave us our grades today and i was third of the class so i was really happy out it, Uraraka came earlier to see me and saw that i'm not in a mood and as always she tried to make me tell her what's wrong but i guess later she got the idea that i didn't wanna talk about it so she left me alone. At lunch i sat alone by myself and i didn't really wanna eat so i was just spacing out there and then you know .. suddenly i saw a certain blonde with his usual angry grin glaring at me as he sat in front of me with his food and started angrily eating. I didn't question anything at this point cause you never understand what's going in that mind of his.

After a few minutes of sitting in awkward silence.., well i can't really call it awkward silence since i was really tired and i didn't even had the force to glare at katsuki more than twice, i was just sitting there, i don't know.. maybe waiting for something..?

Well as i was saying after a few minutes Dadzawa came to our table with a chair and sat in the middle of the both of us.

We both turned at him and questionably looking at him as he spoke "so about what happened yesterday" we both let out a sigh and let him continue. He sat there and started lecturing us for about 10 minutes, if not more about how fucked up that was, and finally he got to the point about our punishment. "So me and the other teachers agreed that the best for the both of you is to send you away to a camping trip for the whole summer so you can train together and fix your attitude towards each other, you will be all by yourselves for about 2 months and a half so you will be the one cooking, cleaning and all that. You will be sent on a island near japan and philippines, so no one other than me, present mic, principal nezu, All might, midnight and your parents will know about this information so it will be 100% safe for the both of you. There will also be someone who will check on you once in 2 weeks so they can give you food and make sure you both are doing alright."

".....WHAT????" both me and kacchan said in unison not believing what just Aizawa said and how we will be forced to be together for 2months and a half. At this point both me and kacchan knew that we shouldn't argue about this since it's our fault and we should take responsibility so we just kind of nodded, still being shocked; after a few minutes i asked "when are we leaving..?"

"Tomorrow; 7 am so go get ready, class is dismissed for the both of you starting from this moment"

For both of us to be speechless was an understatement, to say the least, but sincerely..? i was waiting for kacchan to say something or to threaten me.. but what i got?


Well i guess he's still shocked, i said to myself while getting ready to leave, katsuki was still trying to finish his spicy curry, that we used to eat when we were younger together, and we were still best friends.. Ah what a good time.., i would do everything to have my best friend back i say to myself thinking i said it in my mind when actually i said it whispering.. Kacchan choked on his curry and let out a "What." still trying to not die with that spicy curry of his, i, then understood my mistake and i threw a cold glare at him and coldly said "nothing you should worry of." and after that i just left.

I guess Kacchan was shocked by my behavior but seriously? at this point i was definitely done with how he was treating me because of his "superiority complex" on me like seriously? i am a patient man but i was really done with what he was doing, and most of all i think i was done trying to understand him and give excuses for his behavior towards me. 

1031 words ;-; 

ummm heyy yall!! i hope its not too trashy because honestly i dont even know if i like it myself- but oh well ;-; i will try to upload at least a chapter everyday and dont forget to tell me your opinion about it hehe :D also i think every chapter will have at least  1100 words even tho this one has 1031 you know- and if you have any questions feel free to comment and i will reply ! 

anyways byeee have a good day/afternoon/night and i hope you ate today and dont forget to drink water!! its important to stay hydrated ♡ 

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