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ALSO!! tysm for 700 views :D

it was now morning, around 10am and the squad was already up, all dressed, all ready to surprise the birthday boy. And they were sure as hell that he was already awake, and the duo should there now in any minute.

The round table in the center of the living room, all prepared, full of different kinds of delicious food, of course including katsudon, made by the one and only angry yandere chihuahua boy. The chocolate cake was all ready in the fridge, it was a very big cake, just the way the green head wanted it.

The blonde woke up, only being trapped under a green bush of hair on his face, the greenette was on top of the blonde, sleeping tightly, with his hands wrapped around his waist. Katsuki took his time to admire each freckle on izuku's face, delicately brushing his fingers on the other's face and on those green soft curls, hoping he would wake up soon.

As some more time passed by, the greenette slowly started shifting in his sleep, only to open his eyes some minutes after, yawing he looked directly in bakugou's eyes, giving him a sheepishly smile. They were so close to each other's faces, only inches apart, and their noses were touching, making both of them feel the euphoria and all the butterflies in their stomachs.

Neither of them would break the eye contact, deeply looking in each other's eyes bakugou let out a slow and breathless "happy birthday zuku" so quietly only the one and only sleepy green head birthday boy could hear.

Izuku shifted a bit, getting closer to the blonde, never breaking eye contact, kastuki leaned in, closing the missing gap between them. Their lips brushed together, softly kastuki put his hands on both cheeks of the greenette, pressing his lips harder on izuku's, trying to deepen the kiss.

They both have been waiting for that moment for so long, euphoria flying in the air, butterflies in each other's stomachs, legs, making their knees weak. 

Bakugou's pov: 

Kissing the person you love is a connection. When I finally kissed the man I love it's like the whole world stoped. Like nothing else mattered. Like we were the only two people left on earth in that moment. Like all your emotions and love and trust for that person are connected through that touch. That feeling when my heart races and I get butterflies because his arms are my comfort spot. His lips are my peace with the world. His presence is the reason I feel alive. The feeling is love, It's the passion i have for him. Kisses may seem small but the feeling behind them is everything. The feeling from start to finish. From the look when you know it's about to happen and your heart races and you get butterflies, to the touch of your lips against the person you loves lips and you're body feels as if it drifted into a new demention. When you find a kiss like that it's unlike anything before.... Because that's a love that can't be broken. nothing could compare to what i was feeling when i finally got the chance to taste izuku's dreamy rosy lips. 

3rd person pov:

Deku slightly opened his mouth, letting an entry for the blonde, entering his tongue in the other's mouth, as their tongues danced together.

After quite some good time of the duo making out under that beautiful southern magnolia tree, full of dazzling white flowers, eventually the green head pulled out, both breathless, painting for air.

The blonde got up, his cheeks all rosy from the intense make out with the one he fell in love with, pulling a hand in front of deku, helping him get up.

"Come on zuku!" kastuki pulled izuku, to start walking faster.
"where are we going kacchan?" replied the green head, with a sheepishly smile on his face trying to contain his blush.
"Come on! just move your ass and you'll see soon enough."
"alright alright geez i'm coming heh"

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