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i woke up, feeling someone's warmth against my body,one of their arms around my waist and one on my hair. i woke up feeling great, so great. I don't remember the last time i felt this peaceful while sleeping. I open my eyes only to see myself being the little spoon in izuku's arms, and let me tell you, that i was feeling in heaven. I didn't want to move, so i won't wake him up, or maybe he's already up but i will not check, it would be so awkward.

Some more time passed and kastuki was still cuddling in bed comfortably with the greenette, "man, i don't remember the last time i felt so good sleeping, it had been so long since i last slept like this. We should do this more often" says bakugo only to realize what his last words were. "Do you have problems sleeping kacchan or like.. insomnia?"

"what? oh. i was thinking you were still sleeping.."

"i woke up like 2 hours ago"

"you damn nerd with didn't you wake me up? we have practice today don't we?"

"yeah we do but you know that we are in vacation right now and we have the right to wake up later. Now tell me more about your sleeping problem"

"oh yea well, i actually have nightmares every night since.. well yeah it's been quite some time since i slept more than 2 or 3 hours maximum in a night."

"since.. when?"

"since that one day i got attacked by the same sludge villain that All might captured, and then- you.. you rushed in to save me."


"yeah and you know how the attack happened and then i got kidnapped and these stupid nightmares haven't been stopping since then"

"so it happens every night..?"

"yea and i normally wake up between 2 and 4 but surprisingly this night sleeping with you made me peacefully sleep, i slept like what? 8 hours?"

"yeah well.. i'm sure you didn't know this but.. before you got captured by that villain, he first captured me and all might saved me from it.. and with all that has been happening and the OFA i have nightmares too every night and i barely sleep, and even if i do i always have nightmares and i end up punching my my window ha..and well i wasn't actually sleeping, i fell asleep after you came in my arms, and after that i fell asleep and straight up slept a good amount of time but the sun was so bright piercing in my eyes and woke me up haha"

After I finished my last sentence, Kacchan looked like he was lost in thoughts, but also like he was trying to decipher what I just said. After a few blank seconds he jumped on me pulling me in a hug and gently running his fingers through my green locks. "Kacchan.. are you.. are you okay?" he didn't reply at first and just stayed like that for a matter of some minutes. 

"yeah, just hug me back you idiot or I swear I will kill you" I just jiggled at his response, since for me it was a new side of Kacchan that I didn't saw for more than 10 years, and not that I was not happy with it, I was actually the happiest ever but,, it was so suddden.., like what made him change his mind from hating me?Even if i know deep down he doesnt hate me, im sure he doesnt but its just- i dont know.

 The last fight we had last week, he was crying, screaming at me some sort of things that I didn't quite understand, his sobs were too loud and made me not understand what he was saying between his sobs. We fought, for a good matter of time,but it didn't feel like a 'rivals' battle..it was more of a 'I respect you battle and I don't know how to deal with my emotions and feelings' fight. Yeah, like I said I'm probably the only one truly understanding his feelings, even if sometimes, even I get confused and I don't know how to act or tell him to make him feel better, since he always tries to hide his feelings under his anger. And yeah it may be wrong and he may have bullied me in middle school, and even if he made me feel bad, and I was depressed because of his actions, I know he had a good reason for it. So I guess I will just give him some more time, because I know there's still my best friend inside of him somewhere and now, at this moment that best friend of mine is present, hugging me and patting my head slowly. I throw my arms around him and hug him back as if there was not tomorrow, and man I wish this could be a daily thing,, you know, daily dose of serotonin or something.

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