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Minutes have passed and all you could hear was the calming breeze in the night time, the little tiny sounds of petals falling down and the tiniest sounds of the little waves in the river in front of the two boys.

"hey deku?" no response
"izuku? are you okay?" no response. Few minutes have passed and the blonde decided to try again.
"zuku- are you- oh- you're actually asleep.. Well i guess it's better that you didn't hear what i said, it would be awkward if you didn't actually understood what that means-.." The blonde let out a more of a saddened-sarcastic chuckle, while his hands start moving on their own, finding their way to izuku's green soft soft green locks, intertwining his fingers with his shiny green hair. He just sat there, playing with his fluffy smooth hair, slowly breathing in izuku's strawberries and cream scented hair, his eyes glued on the greenette's delicate freckled face, admiring his beauty, in every way possible. He found fascinating the idea of counting all the freckles he has on his baby-face, so if someone would ever ask him he'd proudly reply the exact number. Well he tried, he truly did but he quickly fell asleep after counting 17 little freckles.

It was now around 5:48am and the sun was slowly rising, little birds were chirping in the nearby trees, full of beautiful little white and purple-ish flowers.

Kastuki, was the first one to wake up, hearing the little birds sing, he slowly opened his eyes, feeling the warmth the greenette was giving to him, cuddled on his chest. He could feel the little breaths izuku was taking in and out, admiring his little figure sleep tightly on his chest. His left cheek was squeezed making him look like a barbie doll, and the sun shining brightly now on his freckled skin, making him look even more mesmerizing than he already is.

"Man i swear you make me fall in love with you more and more everyday. How is it possible for anyone to look this beautiful and angelic while sleeping?" The blonde asked himself in sort of a whisper, chuckling at his own statement, hoping izuku was still tightly sleeping.

The blonde was still admiring the beautiful view he had in front of him, it was like a dream come true. And it was probably now around 7am, as kastuki was deep in thoughts, all about the greenette's birthday, and hoping everything would turn out the way he planned it. As he was deep in his thoughts, he didn't even realize that izuku started moving around, now being half awake, one of his eyes open, glancing around, now opening the other eye, fixing his eyes in the blonde's direction.




"g' mornin' kacchan!"  said the greenette with a big smile,

"morning izuku"   said kastuki, slowly now smiling back at his izuku, their eyes connecting and staring at each other, one with piercing green forest eyes, and the other with crimson fire eyes, both mesmerizing in their own way, who could take your own breath away at every moment.

"how'd you sleep zuku?"
"i slept good, but y'know it was kinda chilly this night but luckily you were here so you warmed me up hehe"
"yeah, let's go get ready huh?" stated the blonde,  looking away, visibly having a blush across his pale white skin.
"sure thing kit kat"

Both got up, the blonde helping the greenette, as he just woke up and wasn't really stabilized with his steps. They took the blankets they took with them, making their way now to the house.

The green head was obviously still very sleepy, as they both were in their bathroom, brushing their teeth in unison, izuku having kastuki as a support to not fall down, leaning on his chest, head dropping on his left shoulder. The blonde was shaving, as usual and deku was now putting some cream for his allergies that he recently started having from all the flowers around there.

As they were both done, kastuki took out a brush and came behind the greenette now, brushing his long green hair. I guess you didn't know that izuku let his hair grow and now was a bit longer than his shoulder.

"ponytail or braid?" asked simply the blonde
"you know i like braid kacchan."
"alright, do you want a simple braid or like a french braid? i could do that if you want to change it a bit"
"normal will do, thanks kacchan"
"whatever you say zuku"
the greenette simply let out a sheepishly smile, as he continued watching kastuki braid his shiny curly hair.

"ouch kacchan! it hurts."
"oh please don't be such a drama queen, you've broken like all your bones and you never complained as much as you're complaining right now"
" that's different"
"how so?"
"well if you didn't actually understand, i save people while breaking bones"
"no shit sherlock i didn't know?"
"oh shut up kacchan and finish my braid i'm hungry!"
"yeah no nerd, you're cooking today."
"come onnnnnnn kacchan pretty please cook for me today?" making those big puppy eyes he had, that kastuki could never say no to.
"UGH! fine. BUT you're cooking tomorrow all day. Deal?"
"fine fine kacchan, you've got a deal"

They both finished cleaning up, now going to change for their day, as today was their day off from training, they put regular clothes on, as in kastuki put black sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt, with green socks, and deku out on white sweatpants with a plain black t-shirt and orange socks. (coincidence? i don't think so . . . )

They both went to the kitchen, now the greenette standing on the counter, his legs slightly balancing while attentively watching his angry pomeranian make his favorite pancakes.

After they finished eating, they decided that today it's binge watching-eating snacks all day that's left, starting with watching sk8 the infinity, ending up with them wanting to go and kill adam, and hit him so hard that his teeth would go that deep in his organs that for brushing his teeth he would need to enter his brush from his other hole. (this came from the angry pomegranate)  izuku just wanted to detroit smash him to the moon and when he would come back he would detroit smash him into the sun.  (nothing agressive right?)

"Kacchan let's watch now umibe no etranger!"
"no, let's watch jujutsu kaisen."
"but kacchan! umibe no etranger is a bl movie so it's better."
"tch,, whatever.." (katsuki we know you like that shut up)

And that's how they spent their rest of the day, cuddled up on the couch, sometimes switching positions and spooning each other, while eating their favorite snacks, and drinking slushies.

But kastuki couldn't get out of his head izuku's birthday. It was in 3 days from now, and he is praying that everything will workout just the way he planned, and that the idiots he invited to come here for his birthday won't ruin anything, especially the surprise.

When the blonde finally snapped out of it, he saw that he missed at least 10 minutes out of the movie, so it kinda pissed him off, but in the end he understood the movie, even if he skipped some minutes out of it.

The blonde quickly kissed izuku's forehead, cause' he knew how much he liked being kissed on his forehead, making him feel safe. But kastuki was the same, and the greenette would always give him forehead kisses before going to sleep, or doing anything in general.

It made bakugou's stomach twist and turn a hundred times and more, his heart doing back flips and his mind a mess, face redder than kirishima's hair and his eyes sparkling like a little kid in a candy store.

But the greenette would always kiss him on his forehead before falling asleep, so the blonde turned the tv off, nuzzling in deku's arms, his head in the crook on the other's neck, patting slowly his head, as izuku was tracing little circles on the other's back.

And that's how they fell asleep, together, in each other's arms, sleeping tightly, on the couch.

A/N: did i really just throw 1400 words full of fluff at yall again? after not posting for a week? hell yea i did. Anyways school is killing me so sorry for not posting i'm trying my best =)

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