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Both boys were now busy with their personal things. The blonde was training alone in the combat zone, and the greenette was cleaning their room- washing their clothes, and more. They agreed to meet under the southern magnolia tree at the sunset so they could enjoy watching it together.

It was now around 7pm, and deku was doing his abs workout, peeking a glance towards the window, he observed that in fact, it would be the sunset quite soon.
The blonde was just walking around, with his music buds, music blasting in his ears. Well- it wasn't really blasting since he was listening to "je te laisserai des mots" - patrick watson and in fact it was one of his favorite musics at the moment. It would always calm him down, making him concentrate.

He was actually thinking about the greenette's birthday party. He wants to surprise him by throwing a party and inviting their classmates over. But not everyone- just the trusted ones. He was planning on making him a big cake, his dream cake. Just thinking about his mesmerizing smile. As he started walking towards their meeting place. 

Bakugou couldnt wait to have his nerd in his arms again. (what a drama queen they literally saw each other 6 hours ago) 

Deku was excited to finally see bakugou, since he hasn't seen him since 1pm and they've been inseparable for a month- so for them being apart for more than an hour is astronomical. (but they're also drama queens tbh)

Bakugou was the first one to arrive at their meeting place. It was actually their special and secret spot, it was one of their favorite place in the world. So beautiful and calming. Feeling the warm breeze on their soft skin, little white petals falling on them, hearing little sounds of the lake in front of them, and admiring all the different little colors on the sky that would match together.

The blonde sat down under their oh so favorite tree, his eyes dropping on the sight in front of him- the beautiful lake, where you could easily spot fishes in it, and the beautiful colorful tainted sky. He lay down in the slightly humid grass, putting his hands at the back oh his neck, slowly breathing as he was waiting for his nerd.

Deku made his presence known about 10 minutes after the blonde came. He was holding something that looked like a box ? yellow-ish with some pink-ish colors in it, and a spoon in his left hand as well.

He took some steps, getting closer to bakugou now, as he sat down, ruffling the blonde's hair and sweetly smiling at him. That smile could kill millions, not me tho' cause i'm already dead since day #1 from that smile, thought bakugou.

"hey kacchan!"
"hey nerd"
"how was your training?"
"it's boring without you"
"aw well you know someone had to do the laundry right?"
"thank you nerd" slightly letting out a sincere smile
"don't worry about it kacchan"  the greenette exclaimed as he smiled back at the blonde.
"huh- what's that in your hand nerd?"
"oh- OH- that.. haha it's ice cream! your favorite!"
"no way- really? where'd you get that?!"
"i told aizawa to bring it for you!"
the blonde had now a full smile on, rolling to his side and jumping on the greenette, holding him tightly, where he could barely breathe. "agh- ka-kac-kaccha-n i can..-t bre-reathe!"
"oops sorry nerd"
"there's just one little? problem . ."
"what now deku?"
"i uh- i kinda uh-? i kinda uhh took only one? spoon?" the green head finished, now with red cheeks and scratching the back of his neck, trying to look anywhere but in the blonde's direction.
"and what's the problem here ?"
"the spoon?"
"i don't see a problem. no big deal we can share it dumbass."
"right. I didn't think you'd agree that's why"
"shut up and feed me"
"feed you?"
"yes deku are you deaf?"
"why? don't you have arms ?"
"they fucking hurt like hell!! i've been training since 1pm with them you shitty nerd is it that hard to just fucking feed me?!!!??"
"no no no it's not- it's not weird yeah okay? it's not i was just shocked by that but i'm cool with the idea of feeding you!"

( yeah sure bakubabe stop lying your arms don't hurt you lying ass bitch )

As the greenette finished his sentence, the blonde took the lead, by snatching the wooden spoon out of deku's hands, opening the yellow and pink-ish ice cream plastic container, and taking out a full spoon with the ice cream, shoving it right in deku's mouth. Not even letting him say something.

Izuku nodded his head as a form of "thanking him" and gulping the ice cream down.

"Kacchan! i'm having a brain freeze."
"tch it's nothing that bad nerd"
"even your hot ass explosive and dumb brain would freeze kacchan. Or are you scared to try?"
"I am not."

As the blonde affirmed, Izuku took the spoon out of the blonde's hand, filling it with the colorful ice cream, "open your mouth" says izuku,with e devilish smirk on his face, while a pair of crimson fairy eyes were staring at his green beautiful orbs.

The blonde opened his mouth gulping down the ice cream, trying to not make any faces, that would make him look like he was indeed having a brain freeze, just like deku said. 

"kacchan you can stop pretending i know ur fried ass brain froze right now"
"fine. fine it did. Now shut your multi task mouth but open it again so i can give you more ice cream. Got it nerd?"
"jeeeeeeeze alright kit kat"
"kit kat?"
"who the fucking fuck is kit kat?"
"why not stick with kacchan?"
"well it's getting old you know- i mean i don't know- and well for a fact i will continue calling you kit kat"
"alright. got a question tho."
"what is it kacchan?"
"why kit kat?"
"hmmm you see- kit kats are snacks right? and well- kit kats are in fact my favorite snacks but i kind of prefer the ones with white chocolate tho" the greenette let out a smirk, seeing he left a blonde pomeranian all flustered and red laying on the grass just because of what he said.

"just- just dont- forget the kacchan okay?"

"sure thing kit-chan!"

"ohhh so you're saying i'm hot? or are you trying to say that you want to eat me?"
snapped the blonde back, now making the greenette's turn to be flustered.

They both stayed like that, leaning and feeding each other, laughing at each other's jokes,while being under their favorite tree, watching the beautiful sunset, and just generally enjoying each other's presence, while it was getting darker and darker by every minute.

Katsuki took some blankets with him when he came here, knowing that izuku always have wanted to sleep under his favorite tree, but so did the blonde. He would dream about sleeping on the grass while watching the beautiful night sky, admiring the stars, admiring as well the beauty of the younger male who was now cuddled with him, with warm warm and fluffy blankets wrapped around them.

There was it- the moon. The oh so beautiful and mesmerizing moon- that the two loved so much. They could spend nights and night only looking at it, and how beautiful her light is.

"the moon is beautiful isn't it zuku?" the blonde said while turning his gaze at the green bush.
Izuku now turning his head on the blonde's direction, looking directly in his eyes, where he could see his crimson eyes sparkling, staring at him, smiling with red-ish cheeks.

HOLLLLYYY GUACAMOLE DID I ACTUALLY UPLOAD AGAIN TODAY???? welp yeah i did. i'll probably update tomorrow but who knows 😁😁😁
Anyways- i'm leaving y'all on a cliffhanger lolilol =D

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