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Uraraka, Tsuyuu, Iida, Sero, and Todoroki were all together eating breakfast, more specifically, eating pancakes who were made clumsily by Todo and Sero together. You could hear chattering and laughs in the common area, the jokes mostly made by Sero and Uraraka, Todoroki only spitting some trauma, making everyone choke on their food every time he opened his mouth, and leaving him dumbfounded. 

The quintet, were sure that they were all alone in the dorms, only them, no teachers, and no other clasmates or friends. But that's where they were wrong. 

When they finally finished eating and cleaning up, they decided on watching a scary movie, about some sort of a haunted psychiatric hospital where a group of tourists got locked in, and were stuck there. Uraraka was honestly not a fan, more of a hater of those kind of movies, while tsuyuu totally loved watching them, and loved how her girlfriend held her for dear life while watching them. Todoroki had no opinion whatsoever about them, he was neutral, sero loved the adrenaline, while Iida was a big fan surprisingly. 

They all sat down, Tsu, Ura & Iida on the couch, and sero with todo sat in front of the couch on cloud pillows, with salted caramel popcorn between them, and a few colored slushies wandering around the room.

In the room you could only hear the sounds of the movie, who was playing on the big screen, a few mosquitoes flying from corner to corner, little chewing sounds from the crispy popcorn, and as well as Uraraka's gasps from time to time, who only got louder by every minute, sounding more and more like she was engaged in a sexual act, not watching a scary movie. 

"Aw maaaan Ura! stop making those sounds! you're ruining the adrenaline man!" sero whined, turning his head to look at Uraraka, while stopping the movie. "But thats not me?? what do you mean sero i was literally shutting my mouth for once!" barked Uraraka back at the black head. "Oh do not bulshit me Ura! who else could have made these sounds? You're literally the only one in this room who's scared of horror movies!" stated sero; "*kero* she really didnt talk sero, put the movie back!", "ugh! fine." growled sero, restarting the movie, while taking a hand full of popcorn, aggressively chewing it. 

A few more minutes have passed, and the background sounds were more and more audible, and it was starting to become unpleasant, for the whole group, making even Iida sigh. 

"Okat that's literally IT. Which one of you fuckers is making those sounds?!" Sero barked again, standing up now, with the remote in his hand, the movie obviously paused, he looked at everyone with a questioning look. Iida was the first one to get up and speak; "i confirm you that its not coming from us. We thought it was you who were making those sounds." "YEAH! its not! tell them babe!" yelled Ochako, looking now at tsuyuu, waiting for her response. "Sero it is not us. Maybe there's someone else in the dorms? *kero*" tsuyuu tilted her head, finger on chin, and tongue out, waiting to get answers. 

"But everyone is either on patrol, either in vacation, so we are and we should be normally alone.." added sero suspicionsly, looking now sideway at Todoroki. Suddenly they all heard a loud bang, a few more incomprehensible words who sounded like moans, and cracks. 

"Do you guys think a villain broke into our school?" whispered uraraka concerned. "Don't think so. Everything is closed, plus if there were we would've been already alarmed." shrugged Todoroki, looking now at Uraraka. "The best decision we can make at this moment, is to check from where the sounds come from. Then we do what we need to do based on the situation." said Iida, making movements with his hands, now pointing to the stairs, leading to their rooms. 

"*kero* i agree, lets go!" spoke tsuyuu, taking Ochako's hand, and running to the stairs, signalling for everyone to follow them. 

They all ran, each after the other, till they arrived to the door where the noises were coming from. They could hear cracks, bangs, different sounds like moanings & stutterings, begging of someone like they were being held hostage; 

"Alright, alright, everyone! we barg in at 3 ok?" whisppered sero; "No! we cant just barg in! lets go in quietly, and see what's happening there first." replied uraraka "Alright, i'll crack the door open for a bit, lets hope i will see something." added uraraka. She cracked the door a few inches, everyones head popping behind hers, looking and seeing the same sight. One they would all want to erase forever from their memory. 

Uraraka quickly put her hand on her mouth, hoping they didnt hear her squeak, she closed the door faster than you could blink, and pushed everyone away. They were all red from embarrassment, and didnt know what to do now. "WHAT DO WE DO NOW?!?!" barked Ochako, panicking back and forward; Todoroki, still looking unfazed suddenly talked "it's not somehing new, then why are you so embarrassed? let's just forget that this ever happened and go back to our activities. It's just that simple." Everyone nodded, Iida not knowing how to act bursted out of the dorms, hopping to escape reality. 

Tsuyuu, & ochako decided to go out on a date, while todoroki and sero were watching beastars together on the couch, with slurpees in their hands, one blue and the other red. 

It was around 7pm now, everyone was back from patrol, as in Momo, Jirou, Denki, aoyama, Koda, Tokoyami & Mina, as for the rest they were either in vacation or internship. They were all hanging around the common room, some watching tv, some preparing food, but bakugou and izuku still didnt came out of their room. 

There was chattering everywhere, birds chirping outside, as the sun was setting down slowly, with a deep orange color mixed with a tint of redness in the not so blue sky anymore. 

Katsuki was still in a deep slumber, you could hear little snores here and there, he was still wrapped in izuku's arms, as slowly he started opening his green orbs, blinking a few times, the sun making him go blind. He yawned, looking down on the person sleeping on his chest, as he entertwined his fingers with his blonde ash hair, slowly playing with it. 

It didnt take much to wake katsuki up. A few kisses here and there, and maybe a little licking of cock, but the real question is, who wouldn't wanna get sucked by the gorgeous, handsome green eyed Izuku? 

brb gonna cry rq this chapter sucks ass my apologies 

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