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After a 5minutes walk, they finally arrived to their house, both being terribly tired, fell on the couch, practically falling asleep but somehow they managed.

"hey kacchan?"

"yeah nerd?"

"do you wanna eat something? or are you gonna go shower?"

"i'm not hungry, i'll just go shower and then fucking finally sleep. Why? are you hungry?"

"nope, not really. Just wanted to check if you were so maybe i could i don't know.. cook something? but i'll go shower now i'm really tired"

"okay i'll go shower in our room's bathroom and you can take the other bathroom"

"sounds good to me kacchan"

they both stood up, deku going to the right part of the house, since that's where the other bathroom was. And kacchan going to the left side, where their room was situated.

It didn't take long for them to shower, they were too exhausted to stay in the shower for a long time. The blonde was the first one to get out, he quickly washed his teeth and went in their room to get dressed, hoping the greenette was still in the shower and wouldn't come in the room while he was naked. He very quickly took a pair of black boxers and a pair of gray sweatpants, and started getting dressed. When he finally finished getting dressed, right at that moment deku came back in the room, once again the greenette was topless and he had a towel around his under waist where i could easily see his v line, he also had his hair down water dripping from it and was he fucking hot. I felt my cheeks burn and my ears at the same time so i turned around and went to the bathroom and splashed some fucking cold water on my face. Maybe that would help with this fucking heat that i developed to have in my body when I'm near this freaking nerd.

I saw kacchan already being in the room, only wearing his usual gray sweatpants he sleeps in and was he looking good boy. I couldn't take my eyes off his toned chest and his muscles. And i'm not going to even talk about his titties, i'm not going to talk about my desire of bitting them..

I saw kacchan looking at me with his piercing crimson eyes, from up to down examining me and i don't know if my eyes were working correctly at that moment since i know for sure i had drool written all over my face but i'm sure i saw kacchan blushing. I saw him leave the room going in the bathroom so i took the chance to dress up and as always i put a pair on boxers and sweatpants.

When the blonde came back from the bathroom and being more stable with his redness on his face, he entered their room again seeing a cute little green haired boy already in the bed, not to mention about the fact that their beds were still together, and didn't move an inch so that means he will have a good night, probably cuddling deku again.

I started walking towards our bed putting my phone down on the table to charge and also put an alarm for 7am. I then went to bed and went under the covers.


"yes kacchan"

"i put an alarm for 7am. We need to have a morning routine and run in the morning"

"that *yawn* sounds nice *yawn*"

"yeah so go to sleep"

"what about you?"

" i will, eventually. I guess.. but i'm not sure i can fall asleep without having these stupid nightmares"

Without any second thoughts Deku got closer to bakugou and opened his arms for him, waiting for the blonde to move and come in his arms. Just like the last time.

The blonde didn't even hesitate to move, it was like he didn't have anymore control over his body, it was his body who had control when we were talking about deku's cuddles or even more sometimes..

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