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- [ ] Both boys took their hero costume from their room, running to the special combat field they had to train and fight in. There were some benches near it and they took the opportunity to settle all their stuff there and get ready in their hero costume. Deku started undressing himself, slowly, he took his shirt off revealing his abdomen and the scars on it. bakugou couldn't help but stare and them, remembering and thinking about how really brave and amazing the greenette is. The blonde took his shirt off too adjusting fast enough the black top he has with his hero costume. The black top the blonde has with his hero costume every other day shows very much every curve he has especially his torso- 'kacchan really has some really big badungalungas huh-' deku's thoughts got interrupted when he heard a loud bam near him, it was bakugou who dropped one of his grenadier braces (gauntlets) and so now the greenette was looking at the blonde who was leaning down for his gauntlet who fell under the bench, and he had his full attention drawn to the blonde wearing his black top.

After gawking at each other while getting ready, they left their normal clothes on the bench with the rest of their stuff that they brought there with them, heading now together to the fighting area where they would be training and fighting together.

They got on their positions and Katsuki stretches his arms to prepare with a slight smirk on his face, and so does deku. Katsuki starts first trying to take the greenette by surprise as he winds up his signature right hook and Izuku believed it's a fake because this is how he started in their last bout but, Izuku was overthinking the blonde's attack and nearly gets exploded. Katsuki delivers an uppercut kick and tries to capitalize with a two-handed explosion and Izuku uses the momentum from getting hit to bicycle kick Katsuki's hands away so his explosion detonates into the air, Katsuki runs at him and gets hit in the face from Deku so Katsuki decides to launches himself into the air and then quickly down at Deku. Izuku jumps back to avoid the explosion, but Katsuki transforms himself into an exploding pinwheel to close the distance. Izuku dodges his hand, causing Katsuki to miss. Katsuki bounces himself off the ground then uses more explosions to flank Deku from behind and delivers a powerful punch to Deku's side that sends Deku flying into a nearby railing. Katsuki tries to follow up with a second explosion but Izuku leaps out of the way. Katsuki admits he can't get a read on Deku and believes he's always looking down on him. No matter how much Kacchan beat Deku up, he always stayed close behind him as if he were going to surpass him. Izuku is unpleasantly surprised to learn how Kacchan perceives him. Izuku replies that if he looked down on Katsuki, he would want nothing to do with him. But he stayed behind Kacchan because of all the amazing things he could do. Kacchan was always more talented than Deku and was much closer to being a hero like All Might. Impassioned, Izuku subconsciously raises his limit on One For All from 8% to 11%. His speed increases and he uses a flying kick on Kacchan. Izuku lands his enhanced kick and breaks Kacchan's guard. He reels back from the hit and admits to himself that Deku has passed him. Katsuki blasts himself at Deku and he responds by charging back at extreme speeds. Katsuki narrowly ducks back under a flying kick. He tries to get the next hit in, but Izuku strikes him with a 11% charged smash. Izuku swiftly spins around and nearly cuts Kacchan down with an axe kick. In trouble, Katsuki detonates the ground to blast them both away. Katsuki realizes his opponent has kicked it into another gear as Izuku quickly charges right back at him.

Both heroes continued like this for a good amount of time till they both couldn't get up from the ground anymore,only to start laughing together by the fact that there can't be one who's more stronger, they are both at the same level.

Both of them, now lying on the grass, with some deep swollen muscles,sprains, strains,bruises and much more-

"this was one good fight" he giggled, tilting his head so now his eyes were fixed on the blonde.

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