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fluff, nsfw 

Izuku jittered with excitement on the way home. Now that he and Kacchan lived together every night after work was a dream. Kacchan was competitive, he knew this, but he was also surprisingly playful. They started playing games the second Izuku got home.

He came home once soon after Kacchan moved in. There was a nerf gun, loaded, and resting next to a note that said only:Welcome home Zuku, I'm locked and loaded, winner makes dinner,Good luck.Izuku fought hard to suppress his giggles as he grabbed the toy gun.

He snuck around the house waiting to find some kind of hint of where his boyfriend was hiding when he heard a foam dart whiz towards him. He barely moved out of the way and flipped around to see a mischievous Kacchan loading another foam dart. izuku fired at him but Kacchan ducked and fired back. The two ran around the living room laughing like kids and firing foam darts until Izuku was struck in the back.Kacchan gladly made dinner gloating his win the rest of the night.Sometimes it was board games or video games, But they always played a game to decide who made dinner. 

 Izuku won most often at board games but anything physical Katuski usually beat him at.Then came hide and seek.Izuku would come home and have to make it to the bed before Kacchan grabbed him to win, but if Kacchan grabbed him before his whole body was on the bed Kacchan won. It was more fun than Izuku had ever had his whole life. He adored this game.He came home and hung up his bag before slipping on house slippers and slinking around the house. Kacchan was around here, he passed the kitchen and heard a pan shift. He snapped his head to the side and saw Kacchan coming closer. He squealed like a happy child and ran to the bedroom, but he wasn't  fast enough. Kacchan was a solid food taller now and could catch up quickly.

He snatched Izuku and picked him up, throwing him over his shoulder. Izuku kicked and giggled until he tossed him on the bed grinning. 

 "I won," he announced. 

 Izuku laughed and held his arms open. Katsuki fell into his embrace with an 'oof'at impact and smiled, Izuku pecked his face with kisses and threaded his fingers in his hair.

 "Are you sure /you/ won?"

 "Hah? I caught you didn't I?"

 "Yes but with you near me I feel like the winner," Izuku cooed. 

 Katsuki blushed and hid his face in the crook of his shoulder. "Sap."

"Mm, I know. Whatcha gonna do about it?" Izuku teased. 

 "Wouldn't you like to know?" 

"I would, actually."

 "Then I'll show you."Katsuki pressed a gentle kiss on his expectant lips. Izuku smiled into the kiss and scratched Katsuki's scalp while they embraced.

Katsuki would have been purring if he was able. He broke the kiss to pepper kisses on his neck. Izuku titled his neck for better access while Katsuki rubbed his wrists with his hot calloused fingers as he bit and sucked soft bruises on his neck.

Izuku groaned shifting his legs. Katsuki pressed his knee in-between his spread legs and Izuku gasped at the contact. Katsuki grinned against his neck. "Hard already Zuku?"

 "I can't help it, Kacchan is too sexy," Izuku mumbled. "You want more?"Izuku nodded.

"I want you to say it," Katsuki cooed. 

 "Please Kacchan, I want more." 

 As he desired Katsuki stroked him in his work pants three times, painfully slow, before pulling them off. Izuku lifted his hips to help and even pointed his toes. Katsuki grabbed the lube on the side table. He popped of the lid and drizzled it on his puckered hole. Izuku jerked and mumbled, "cold." 

 "Not for long baby," Katsuki cooed. He rubbed the entrance sinfully before pushing a few fingers in. Izuku was relaxed but still tight. Katsuki pulsed his fingers relaxing him further.

His muscles eased the tension and allowed a third finger easily. Izuku shuttered under his careful touches. 

"Kacchan I'm ready, please." 

 Katsuki knew better than to keep him waiting. He rolled the condom over his hard length and slipped in easily. They both paused, Izuku hugged Katsuki close and panted onto his shoulder. He waited for a moment and nodded allowing Katsuki to continue.Katsuki thrust slowly at first, letting his lover get accustomed to his thick cock before speeding up. He held one of Izuku's legs up onto his shoulder, then started rolling his hips, rubbing the bundle of nerves just right. Izuku gripped the sheets and moaned with a slacked jaw at the pleasure, Katsuki kissed his jaw and rejoinder their hands. Letting his leg rest on his shoulder as he sped up. He felt Izuku's pleasure.

Even more than his own.

 He loved the way Izuku squeezed his hand and tipped his jaw back when it felt good. He used this as a guide on how to make his lover a mess. Izuku spurted onto his chest and Katsuki didn't stop, but slowed down until Izuku regained his hardness.

Then sped up again. Izuku moaned in his ear, the perfect song of his pleasure. Katsuki kissed under his ear and whispered,


 Izuku nodded, 

sweat beating on his brows. 

 "Me too, together."

 Katsuki jerked him off this time to insure they would cum close to the same time.

Izuku spurt once more. This time even getting some on his chin before Katsuki gave the final thrust and filled the condom in pulses. Katsuki let Izuku leg flop onto the bed and tossed the condom. He cleaned up Izuku's stomach and chin before pulling him onto his chest.

Izuku took several minutes to settle down enough to talk. 


 "Yeah Zuku?" 

 "Mm, dinner?"

 "I'll get something delivered." 

 "Nn." Katsuki kissed his forehead. 

"Whatcha feelign like?" 


 Katuski chuckled. 



 "Not burgers... how about pizza?"


"Not pizza... how about tonkatsu?"




 "Alright," Katuski chuckled pulling the blanket over them both. 

"Tonkatsu and dumplings."

to be continued.. 


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