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"hey- hey zuku?" 

"mmhm *yawn*  yes kacchan?" *yawn* said the greenette, hugging the blonde even tighter. 

"please dont fall asleep yet 'kay?" said the blonde while playing with his soft green hair, braiding half of it.

*yawn* "why?" the greenette shifted from where he originally was, with his head on the blonde's chest now looking at bakugou right in his eyes, with his sleepy green orbs, blinking tiredly, his eyes shining like two mesmerizing stars. 

"because there's still a surprise for you, in the backyard." 

"aw Kacchan! you know that you didnt have to, right?" 

"whatever nerd, just move that juicy ass of yours and lets go yeah?" 

Deku chuckled, rolling his eyes after. "whatever, mister big pants." getting out of the blonde's gasp, waiting for him to get up. 

"tsk. Dont you dare talk bad about my pants. they are stylish. unlike yours heh." 

"first of all kacchan, i have better clothes than you. SECOND, i was not talking about your pants, i was talking about what's inside. Now let's go, yeah?" 

"What?" the blonde froze, not knowing how to take the nerd's words, a blush appearing on his face, luckily it was night time, so no one could see it. 

Izuku turned his head back to see the blonde again; "what?" responded the green head dumbfounded. 

The blonde grabbed izuku's hand, agressively yet gentle, without hurting his delicate bruised skin. They walked, 2 minutes, not less and not more, when katsuki realised he needed to take deku to the surprise blindfolded. 

"wait." shifting rapidly, the blonde took his shirt off, revealing his beautiful sculpted chest, and of course something deku was a sucker for; Katsuki's tits. 

"what- what the hell are you doing kacchan?" eyeing the blonde, up and down, now licking his lips.

"im taking my shirt off- duh?" 

"and why are you taking it off smartass?" 

"because i need to blindfold you of course??" now moving closer, wrapping the white colored caramel perfumed shirt on the greenette's eyes, taking half of his face. 

Izuku, stiffens, not only once, taking the caramel odor in his freckled nose, humming a bit, from the lovely smell. "mmhmmm"

"what are you moaning for, huh nerd?" 

"im not moaning!" 

"then what the fucking hell are you doing?"

"your shirt smells nice, thats it-"

"oh?" a smirk appearing on the blonde's face, looking at his dumbass blinfolded lover, who almost tripped on a rock, but the blonde pulled him away before letting that happen. 

Bakugou was taking izuku to the spot that uraraka and tsuyu helped him arrange, there was a heart made out of fake bushes like a crown, who had real flowers in it, as carnations, irises, lavender, roses, tulips and much more. Around the bushes, there were mango scented candles, as well with white & red petal roses, with a blanket who had a bottle of champagne with 2 beautiful cristal glasses, and japanese food near it. And everything had little lights around, making it hella romantic. 

Katsuki carefully took the greenette infront of the surprise he planned, taking gently the blindfold off his face. The greenette rubbing his eyes, at the interaction with the sudden light, taking a moment to adjust his sight. 

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