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Still deku's Pov:

I took all my stuff from class as i started heading home, i took my airpods and put them in my ears, my 'sad' playlist started playing as in my mind i started having backflashes of what happened at lunch and the situation with kacc- katsuki. I can't even call him like that anymore. It just hurts too damn much.

I kept listening to my music, as everything, every moment we spent together since we were toodlers, flew free in my mind, i remember how we used to play together when we were 5 and how he used to protect me, how he was smiling and actually caring for me. i just.. i just wonder what happened? what happened with the old kacchan ? where is he ? and mostly, one question i ask myself everyday when i see him is why does he hates me that much?

i remember when we were 5, one day i was sad, and Kacchan to cheer me up told his mom to buy us matching shoes so he bought me red ones and he got green ones. I still remember that day as if it was only yesterday and not 12 years ago.

As i was walking with my airpods in my ears and my memories broke free in my mind i forgot where i was going, it had been an hour since i was walking around i think, and i found myself walking around a park, i look around and it hit me- it's the park where me and katsuki used to play in.

Again, i remember the good old times when everything was okay and i didn't have to pretend to smile in front of everyone, when i was still happy.

I didn't even realize when a tear broke free from my left eye- "ha" i say to myself thinking how kacchan used to tell me i was a crybaby.

i took my phone out trying to find a better song, because i really didn't want to be in this mood anymore, so while i was walking, concentrating on my phone i bumped into someone-

"ouchaaghh" after hitting my head into someone, i look up and i see him; yeah the one and only angry Pomeranian even tho he didn't look angry right now,he was far from angry, he looked.. sad and disappointed..?

we made eye contact and i look at his eyes, they were ..red? like okay okay i know the color of his eyes are red, but now his entire eye was red and ..puffy ? they really looked like he just cried. 

I look at him some more time, him, not breaking eye contact either.

it took everything from my soul to not ask him "what happened" or "are you okay?" and i knew i shouldn't because we are not friends anymore. and i know that i shouldn't care about him after all he's done but i can't.. i just-


Him, out of all the people on this earth, broke the silence between us, as he spoke "izuku what are you doing here?"

he asks me while getting closer to me and trying to do something with his hand, i flinch at his sudden movement and he noticed it, he looks at me and nods giving me a reassurance look as he started whipping the tear from my cheek.

"huh-?" i ask, being confused with how he called me and at his sudden action. it wasn't like kacchan at all and it has been so much time since i last heard it come out of his mouth. and i truly missed it.

"i asked you what you were doing here..?"

he says in a soft tone, it was basically like the old kacchan is back .. but hey! i'm not gonna get my hopes up since you know it's.. kacchan.

"oh i uh- i well- i was trying to go back home..?" i reply letting it sound more like a question than an actual response.

"if you were trying to go back home why are you here..? your house is basically the opposite way around." he states while still not breaking eye contact.

"and what about you? what are you doing here? your house is the opposite way too." i say, being confident cause you know all i said was facts, since me and katsuki are neighbors.

"you still didn't give me a response on my question. i was the first one to ask you that so you need to reply first." he said, still not breaking eye contact.

i soften my eyes and try to think of something- something? what could i tell him? "well you see- i kinda was um.. listening to music and i got lost in my thoughts and i ended up here." after finishing the sentence i let out a big sight, and went back to look at him.

"now it's your turn to tell me what you were doing here katsuki." i say still looking at him but after a few seconds, i say "you know what, never mind, if you don't wanna tell me, it's fine." i say and i start walking away. As i was trying to walk away he gripped me by my wrist and stopped me in my tracks, making me turn around. I look at him and finally after some quiet moments he says

"the same."

"the same what katsuki..?"

"i'm here for the same reason as you."

"..oh, you mean like..?"


"have.. have you been crying?"

after i asked him that, i took one more step, while looking at him with nothing but worry and love in my eyes even if i didn't know that at that moment, now our faces were only few inches apart and before I could say or do something, he wrapped his arms around me,and as he wrapped his arms around me I felt how his body was slightly shaking but he calmed while being In my embrace. I could also feel how I started to calm down and feel safe in his arms, like it was just the two of us in this world and all my worries disappeared, it felt like that was where I belong to be, and honestly? I didn't want to let go ever.

And like that we stayed for something as seemed the eternity but in time like 10 minutes.

After I let go I saw the dry tears on his cheeks and I still stared in his eyes not breaking eye contact.

After a bit of "staring" at each other even tho it felt like "staring at each other to fall in love" but we're not gonna talk about that.. I asked "do you wanna go home with me?" He simply nodded and I grabbed him by his wrist making him walk. When I let go of his wrist he took my hand and intervened his fingers with mine. At first I was speechless to say the least because wasn't he supposed to hate me..? But after I few moments I relaxed in his touch and gave him a little squeeze so he would know that it's alright.

We were walking quietly together on our way home, it wasn't really far but we still had a bit to walk, but we didn't talk we just enjoyed each other's company. When we arrived at my house he let go of my hand and said "I'll be waiting here for you at 6:40am tomorrow don't be late or I'll come in your house and strangle you nerd."

I laughed and just said "good night kastuki"

He started back at me and finally spoke again "Izuku.. please don't call me like that."

"What? But isn't that your name?" Of course I played dumb, I mean why not play a bit with him..?

"You know what I mean nerd."

"Nope. I actually don't. So I'll need you to tell me e x a c t l y what you mean katsuki." I smirked knowing that this would making him mad

"Kacchan. Remember? Kacchan is my name." He said still looking deep in my eyes with his beautiful crimson eyes.

I looked at him and smiled "good night Kacchan."

As I said this I went in my house not looking back once and he left to his house. 

hellloooo humansss i finally finished this chapter yooo and i think i reread this chapter like at least 8 times because i wrote it at 2am thingz 😩 and the third chapter will be out today too eheh so yeah ;-; i dont really have any more things to say just that i probably will not be posting any chapters next week because its my bday and all that ; anyways byeee i hope you liked this one and you can always leave a comment with your opinion and vote! dont forget to drink water and eat okay? its important to take care of yourself!

1501 words 

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