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Few weeks had passed, and both boys couldn't be better. They would cuddle every night, helping each other with their nightmares, cooking breakfast for each other even though, it was mostly bakugou cooking for deku, especially making his favorite katsudon.

Aizawa came to visit two times, checking up on them, to make sure they were and are doing good, brought them food for the next 2 weeks to come and a little surprise that bakugou asked aizawa to bring the last time he was there, without the greenette knowing.

Each day passing by, their relationship would make more and more progress, making them comfortable around each other in every way (maybe not naked yet) but the time will come for that.

They trained a lot the past weeks, trying together to get better, aiming to be, one day stronger than all might, and becoming the #1 hero. They trained together, now both boys knew a hundred percent each other's strong points and weak points, giving daily advice to each other on how to work on those weak points, so they could be the best. I think we can all agree that they are, indeed, the best duo out there, the wonder duo, the invincible duo, that you could only dream about having.

It was now july 10th, meaning 5 days before the greenette's 18th birthday, both boys were clinging on each other, in their two single beds put together making a queen sized bed for them, the greenette on top of the blonde, one arm around his waist and the other arm sweetly and calmly playing with his soft blonde locks, taking light little breaths in and out as the blonde laid on top of him tracing little lines starting off his chest and going to his arms, making him slightly shiver at his soft touch on his body, with his other hand wrapped tightly around his neck, they both were relaxing on a saturday night watching one of kacchan's favorite animes- 'fruits basket' and then rewatching 'Yuri on ice' for the eighty-six billion, five hundred and twenty-eight million, nine hundred and seventeen thousand and seven hundred and fifteenth times and we all know why- the homosexuality in their room is astronomical, but so is the sexual tension, but i'm not sure they're ready for that talk. (yet)

With all the time they were together they made a routine where on tuesdays, wednesdays and saturdays were movie nights- and oh boy the emotional roller coaster they were living in because of that. In the first week of their so called "routine" they watched 'banana fish', watching it the whole night- who ended up with izuku crying so hard, that he couldn't breathe anymore, and bakugou was gasping for air and choking on his sobs after seeing the last chapter. After that night they decided that nothing can harm their broken heart anymore and as the dumbasses they are, they decided to watch 'i wanna eat your pancreas' and 'your name' in the same night again- who ended up just the way it ended when they finished banana fish. But they didn't stop there- 2 weeks ago they finished 'given'- leaving them broken on the flooooor crying in each other's arms.

This night they were happy, watching- no-rewatching their comfort anime who is not other than yuri on ice, both, smiling uncontrollably with the joy that anime brings to them. Around the boys in the bed were a bunch of different snacks- like salty-spicy  popcorn for the blonde and caramel popcorn for the greenette, black and red slushies, hot cheetos, gummy bears and a bunch more. Bakugou was wearing a pair of gray sweatpants with black socks, leaving his abdomen and chest naked, while deku was wearing a pair of short shorts, with orange lines on them, looking strangely like bakugou's merch (👀) and a black t-shirt with a skull on it who belonged to no other one but to the angry blonde, who was oh so calm while being with the greenette. Strange isn't it? The t'shirt was slightly oversized on the greenette falling loose on his right shoulder flashing his delicate skin where you could spot half of his healed bruise. The black t-shirt with the white skull on it was smelling sweet and sugary and a bit buttery like a soft, melty caramel candy with a tiny scent smelling like burned- or honestly just a nuclear explosion. But in general, the blonde smells extremely sweet, and not only smells but tastes sweet. . .  ( you tasted him midoryia . . . ? )

And if we're still talking about their routine, let's talk about mondays. Why mondays? well you see . . , they started having this "routine" of reading to each other . . books, magazines, comics, manuals, newspapers, poetry and all other sorts of books, because for them, reading to each other was like therapy, and they just enjoyed each other's presence . . . and voice. It was extremely calming for each other, making their heart fluster. And even if they have a special day when they're doing that activity after having a long training and draining day, doesn't mean they don't read to each other so the other could fall asleep, if having trouble sleeping, or nightmares. . .

They we're now finished with their anime, both exhausted after a long day of training, the blond pulling the covers on top of them, closing the lights, as the only light was the beautiful light coming from their window, from the beautiful white sparkling moon, shining in the sky. Both boys were tangled in each other, deku holding tightly the blonde with his both hands on his waist, tracing little circles on his back, with his head in the crook of the blonde's neck. Katsuki had one of his hands tangled on the greenette's neck and the other playing with his beautiful soft green hair, that he loved oh so much.

"hey kacchan"
"yes izuku?"
"if you could detach a body part from your body, which body part do you wish you could detach and why?"
Don't be surprised, they always have this kind of dumb talks before bed.
"hmmm well, if to really like REALLY think about it and be honest, i'd say . . . my dick."
"hah and why?" the greenette chuckled;
"because like just imagine, you detaching your dick and just having it lay in your hand and scaring people with it by waving it around"
"i mean fair point-"
"that would be fucking lit to do"
"but wouldn't that hurt?"
"take some pain killers and you'll be good"
" kacchan i don't wanna loose my dick tho, how am i supposed to bang someone without it"
"alright quick introduction zuku! hi my name is someone"
"hakakajwjaugsusbwj kacchan fuck you" exclaimed the greenette while taking a pillow and throwing it on the blonde's head
"you nerd!! you hit me right in the nose." Said the blonde, now taking the pillow throwing it back to deku.

After having pillow fights for about more than 23 minutes they fell down in bed, sighting dramatically while inhaling and exhaling rapidly.
Laying down, without moving an inch since they fell on the bed, they finally got back under the covers, turning their gazes towards each other, and nuzzling in each other's embrace.
"g'night kacchan"
"night nerd"

A/N: HEYAAA!! hey guys <3 i know i haven't been updating and all but i've been struggling with my mental health and i couldn't bring myself to write anything- but i swear i'll try to write more =) i also wrote all my ideas for bkdk for the future chapters and all the canon ideas ive had in my mind for awhile and i'm so excited to write em!!! so yeah that's basically it lolilol. Anyways i wish y'all a great day/night and don't forget to stay hydrated and eat! byee see ya next time my sweet pubic hairs xoxo 


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