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it's sunday night and both teens finished eating their dinner together, they sat in the living room in front of each other enjoying their food while watching some hero movies they already probably saw together when they were still best friends when they were younger.

They both finished and started cleaning the mess they made. Bakugou cleaned everything in the living room and cleaned the table while deku was doing the dishes.

After they both finished cleaning they sat again together in the living room being quite tired from all that agitation since that was the first activity they did that day except from crying and sleeping of course.

"pheww!" said the greenette while taking a glance at the blonde.

"we should go workout and then swim, it's nice outside today heh" said bakugou tilting his head towards the greenette and letting out a not so innocent smirk, that he would do from time to time.

"yeah i guess you're right, we really should"

"i'm always right" said the blonde while still obviously smirking

"oh my god shut up and let's go train already" finished deku while laughing at the blonde.

They both sat up while still laughing together when deku finally spoke up again "oh wow who knew the big Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight could laugh" looking straight at him in the eyes and bursting of laugh

"shut up you nerd or i'll blown your face up"

"hah i would really like to see you try Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight" Deku said this time with a smirk returning kacchan's actions, and looked back at him while still laughing and saw that bakugou wasn't laughing he started running "hah im faster than you kacchan, you can't catch me!"

they both were having fun till katsuki finally caught him and both of them falling in the grass, still laughing and having the time of their life.

they sat like that for a good moment trying to calm their selves, when the blonde surprisingly spoke up.

"this is nice"

"what's nice kacchan?"

"this. all of it"

"yeah, just like the old days huh?"

"i missed you nerd" stated the blonde and turning around facing deku with his crimson eyes, softly letting out a little smile, it was a genuine one, only for the nerd in front of him.

"i missed you too,kacchan" deku turned around after finishing his sentence facing katsuki and his beautiful eyes. 'did i really fall in love with this dumbass of angry pomeranian?' asked deku in his mind knowing that the only reply would be 'yes'

They were both lying down on the grass only a few centimeters apart from each other and a beautiful Southern Magnolia tree above them, making them awe while looking at it.

"isn't it beautiful kacchan?"

"mhm. very beautiful even" the blonde said while still looking at deku, referring those words more in the greenette's direction.

After a few more minutes of staying there in the comfortable silence, where they both relaxed in, they both knew very good that they needed to go practice and workout.

"we really should go train kacchan"

"yeah let's go nerd"

they both sat up, once again katsuki getting up first and giving izuku a hand to help him stand up. They went in the training area, there were different equipments like; leg press machines, abdominal benches, hack and squat machines, battle rope, kettlebells,barbells and much more. There was basically everything that was normally in a gym, so they had everything they needed to stick to their workout routine they had everyday back home. They both stopped before starting to actually train and discussed a bit about what consists in their workout and what they will do, since they wanted to try new things and get better, so one day they would be the best out of the best.

They both shortly after started training after agreeing on whatever they agreed on.

I started doing my workout or training, whatever i needed to do push-ups 3 sets of 170 reps, squats 5 sets with 55 reps, leg press the same amount as the squats, lunge, leg extension, some reverse crunch 6 reps with 30 reps and much more.

As i started concentrating on my workout my eyes suddenly fell on the one and only izuku midoryia, the one and only best friend i've ever had and the one and only boy i fell in love with. I saw him training hard, sweat on his forehead and painting. He then quickly took off his shirt revealing his toned abs that i craved to touch. i could feel myself getting turned on but i had to stay concentrated on my training. Goddamnit katsuki. 'He is so beautiful' i thought to myself not being able to take my eyes off him. He was a masterpiece. He is so beautiful it hurts. With his beautiful big green eyes who sparkle all the time, and his beautiful little adorable fucking freckles that i would die to touch.

i am pathetic. I think to myself, getting back to my workout, still trying to fucus but somehow i managed.

It was past 7pm now and the sun started setting down. It was still light outside but there was a mesmerizing sunset that no one would want to miss.

Both, the greenette and the blonde were now finished with their training and they started getting ready to leave the gym they had there. They were both drinking water and trying to take some breathes after such intense workouts. They both took their t-shirts that they both took off while training, because of the heat that was outside and started walking together back to their house.

"that was one hell of a good training" says the greenette taking a deep breath.

"i agree, now do you wanna go in the pool? ya know it can be quite refreshing i heard" katsuki finished having that dumb smirk deku hated but actually fell in love with.

"yeah! that would be nice we just need to go change into our bathing suits."


"what is it kacchan"

"i may or may have not forgotten, my bathing suit.."

"for fucks sake kacchan"

"i guess i'll just go in my underwear it's not that crazy you know. Plus it's not like it's a big deal chill, and i don't think it's fair that you have your bathing suit and i don't so you need to get in the water with me in your underwear" stated the blonde confidently, praying that would convince the greenette to do so.

"ugh fine let's just go i'm so tired i just wanna get in that pool already" at that point deku was too tired to argue with his blonde friend so he just agreed and they both went in the pool's direction. When they arrived there they both took their clothes off, putting them down and only being in their underwear now.

Deku couldn't help but stare at his so called friend making his face a red-ish color, and some drool appearing on his face.

Katsuki went first in the pool, and like the child he is he jumped in the pool and screamed "CANON BALL AHAH" with his maleficent grin, much water splashed deku, making him shiver at the water's touch with his skin, but making him feel good at the same time. After a minute or so he jumped in the water as well, and since he wasn't paying attention do they dumbass things katsuki was doing in the water he didn't see exactly where he was so when he jumped, he kinda landed on kacchan. Both their skin touch and making both of them shiver at the sudden touch, they hands also touched, making them have an eye contact for a few tiny seconds. Deku got quickly out of the water being now on the surface of the water and seeing katsuki coming back from the water to the surface too. They both swam and raced quite some times till they decided they were too tired to continue and both got out the water, taking all their clothes but being too tired to put them on they grabbed them in their hands and made their way out to their house. 

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