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A/N: here is a photo of how a Southern Magnolia flower looks like <3 i feel like it really represents their relationship and how much improvement they both had and it looks so delicate brooo im going to melt ;-; anyways byeee enjoy!

The blonde was lying on the slightly humid grass, glancing up, to the sky, admiring the beautiful sky and the colors of the soon to be sunset, little tears falling down of the bottom of his cheeks, going right in his ears, making him shiver at the touch of his salty tears with the skin of his sensitive ears, he was thinking, thinking about his so, so warm and cute izuku, the person he cared about the most, the person he loved the most, the most delicate and precious person he's ever met, yet he hurt him, he hurt him so much.., too much, and there wasn't enough words or time that would erase what he did, his past mistakes, and his old self. He took a final deep breath, inhaling the sweet scented summer smell, he could smell the slightly humid grass, and the oh so beautiful trees with flowers on them, like the oh so beautiful Southern Magnolia tree, with glossy, green leaves and lovely, white fragrant blossoms, the leaves were so beautiful, but not as beautiful as his greenette.

After this final breath, he slowly got up, thinking, that maybe, just maybe, izuku would let him in, to touch him, to touch and caress his little hands, while playing with his oh so soft hair, smelling like strawberries and cream, admiring his beautiful and precious little freckles on his nose, expanding on his beautiful rosy cheeks and going to his temple, and ears. So maybe he could look again in his precious big green eyes, just like a deep green forest. So the blonde got up, his vision getting a little blurry at the sudden motion, but he managed.

He pretty much had an idea where his little greenette was, it was obvious the first day they came there that he felt at peace only admiring the lake near that beautiful Southern Magnolia tree, laying on the deep green grass with little white and pinkish flowers in it, and relaxing there, feeling like home, feeling like you can open up and let your bottled up emotions get the best out of you while you admire those big beautiful white fragrant blossoms on the trees and oh that beautiful sunset everyone loved, the pastel colors and that deep orange and red, who would make anyone fall in love.

He started slowly looking around, trying to understand and programming his next moves, and which road was faster to take to get to the lake sooner, to see his dear, dear izuku. After the blonde examined it a little, he slowly walked away from the combat field, the smell of humid grass fading away, he started walking faster, taking bigger steps, hoping, hoping that maybe izuku would take him back, that maybe he could give him one last chance, so maybe he could show him how much he loves him, deeply. It took him some good 5 minutes to get to the lake that his nerd loved so much, and when he finally arrived his eyes got blessed, with his favorite person in the world, sitting on the humid grass under that beautiful white flowered tree, his chin on his knees, as he pressed his knees on his chest, putting his hands around them. It was such a beautiful sight, and bakugou could never get enough of it. It was just so beautiful, so peaceful.., he was just so beautiful and peaceful.

He was scared, he was scared to make a sound so his dear izuku would notice he was there, he was afraid to move, and even to breathe. He just stood there for a minute, thinking about what could he say, or do, not that it mattered, everything that mattered to him was for his nerd to be okay. God just for him to be okay.


The sound of his voice scared the greenette, making him turn around and glance over the blonde, with puffy puffy red eyes.

"oh hey..,bakugou"

No, please no, not that name again,oh god i hate that name, why, please stop calling me like that i beg you izuku.., thought katsuki in his mind, while taking another step trying to get closer to the greenette.

"come sit here kacchan"

he felt his heart stop, as if someone shot right through it, he could feel his ears starting to burn and his insides messing in his stomach, he was burning inside, and probably by now he was redder than kirishima's hair, as he finally had the courage to walk near his nerd, and sit down to where he told him to, near him, slightly bumping their shoulders, as he tried to sit down.

"hey izuku" The greenette didn't respond, he just let a little hum, letting the blonde know that he was listening, making him understand to continue what he wanted to say.

After a long pause the blonde finally spoke up again; "..izuku, i know, i know i fucked up, and there isn't anything that will make it okay, nothing in this world could actually make it okay, but even so, i'm deeply sorry for, f-for everything i did to you, i was such an ass and i only cared about other people's opinions to seem cool and i wanted to show them that im better than everyone to feed my damn ego and because i dit that it got the best out of me and i hurt the most important person i had in my life and without realizing i hurt you. So im- i'm sorry. And i know saying sorry won't change anything, but even so, i want to be selfish once again and ask you for.. for one last chance?" The blonde had now tears in his eyes, threatening to spill any second now, he continued his speech "and i know im bad at this so called communicating thing, but hey! im trying my best, and i know im not worthy to lose your time on giving me another chance, but even so im asking for it, so please-" The blonde couldn't even finish his last sentence as his felt, some really really warm arms pulling him in a hug, making him shiver at the sudden touch and letting himself totally relax in his embrace. "it's okay kacchan, i understand, and- and i forgive you.., i actually forgave you a long time ago but you know- there's still these stupid nightmares coming back from time to time, making me active my quirk and break windows at night.. and it's- it's just s-so hard you know ? i'm really trying to get all of these memories out of my head but it's hard, so i'm just gonna need some time, some time to heal the past.. and i- i don't mind giving you another chance, because i know how amazing you are and- and i saw how much you changed, so thank you for this. It's really helping, because honestly..? that's all i've ever wanted to hear from you."

The blonde felt some slightly humid and cold sensation on his shoulder as he understood that midoryia was crying, but so did he, they both were crying in each other's arms, as kastuki was listening to what the greenette was saying and tracing little circles on his back, making the movements seem like "i love you" even though it was too soon for that.

"i'm sorry" The blonde murmured sincerely slowly and softly again in the greenette's ear, as they both lay down in the wet grass, listening to his little nerd's heartbeat laying on his chest, his arms wrapped around his waist and izuku's one arm around his back and the other playing with his little blonde locks, as they both breathed in and out together admiring the sunset and listening the light murmur of the birds in the summer night, and breathing in the sweet scent of the summer flowers.

i'm literally writing this fic for the fluff to fix my broken heart and to feed my little Bakudeku besties <3 

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