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I woke up, feeling some sort of movements near me, someone desperately trying to breathe through it, i heard slight sobbing and whining near me, and as i slowly wake up- i see my kacchan with wet cheeks, tears running down from his eyes. His eyes closed firmly, his face crunched and his whole body trembling. I got up, only to get closer to him, so i could now easily take him in my arms. And that's what i exactly do, i put his head on my lap, whipping his wet now- rosy cheeks and start playing with his spiky blonde hair. I started singing to him, telling him and trying to reassure him that i'm here, i just hope he can hear me.

The minutes we're passing and his state was only getting worse, he started crying and even yelling by now- something seeming like "i'm not weak" and that's when i seriously started to wake him up. I started shaking him, calling for his name, and doing this again again when finally after some time i saw his eyes snap open, tears in his eyes, as he slowly scanned the room, and looking back down at me.

Eyes snap open, the blonde is covered in a cold sweat, shaking, heart pounding, his eyes full with tears, looking around the room suspicious and paranoid that the horror may have followed him here, shivering, he rubs his head and eyes and tries to fully awaken. He then found himself on the greenette's lap, who was trying to calm him, make him feel better.

"hey" Izuku spoke in the softest stone he'd ever used.
"i'm here . . . okay? you don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to- but i really wanna help you kacchan"

The blonde gulped, taking another suspicious look at the greenette, as more tears broke down from his beautiful crimson orbs. He let out a shaky breath, looking now in deku's deep green forest eyes.
The greenette now, took the lead, taking the blonde in his arms, so he was now laying on his chest.
"focus on my heartbeat. . . okay kacchan?"
"shhhhh it's okay kacchan, you can cry, let it all out, and i'm not going anywhere, i'm here kacchan, i'm not leaving you."
"b-but do-doesn't it ma-akes me w-weak to cry?"
"no, no of course not kacchan! crying is human, it's what makes us human, and it's okay once in a while to let it all out, besides how could you ever be weak? Kacchan you're the most brave and amazing person i've met in my life, and i admire you for your courage, and no one and nothing- do you hear me?! no one and nothing should- tell you other wise."
"but- i got kidnapped- be..-be-cause i was w-w-weak" said the blonde between his sobs, clutching the greenette's t-shirt in his palm as little tears feel down on it. my
"and who said that you were weak?"
"she- she did"
"who is- she?"
"the- the old hag"
"oh kacc-"
"i just- i just wish she'd understand me, because ever since i'm a fucking toddler, all she's done was yell at me and show me anger, that making it the only emotion that i was able to feel, and all my life i would do everything in my power to satisfy her- and-a-nd she- she just never appreciates it. I wish i could have a different relationship with her, where she would be proud of me, and not treating me like everything i do is just normal! I am so mad, no- i am beyond pissed about this and i wish she would- that she would care for me for once, and not blaming me for getting fucking kidnapped! What kind of mother does that?! Why- why wasn't she concerned or maybe a bit- at least a bit scared for me? am i really not worth her love . . . ? TELL ME- tell me- te-tell me.. am i really not worth it? I already know i'm weak without her reminding that every damn fucking day!! and it's getting so overwhelming, i just wish she'd come and tell me that i'm enough and that i am not weak... and i already know i'm weak but i just wish she'd care more. *sniff*
"kacchan, you are more than enough and deserving for her love, and you are not weak, you are one amazing hero, that i look up to, and i know it might seem hard, and it is but i just want you to remember this kay? you. are. enough. you. deserve. her. love. but if she's blind and can't see how amazing her son is then that is HER problem and not YOURS. And i'm proud of how far you've come, because i goddamnit know you since we were in fucking diapers kacchan! i've seen you grow and i'm really- really proud of you and- in one of the things you'll never be is weak. Just look at you kacchan! You are one of the strongest students in UA and you never back up when you see a villain, even if you know that it might cost your life and even if you are scared. You are constantly making progress, and i'm beyond fucking proud of you. And if your mother doesn't wants to be proud of you then fuck her! i'll be always proud of you and i'll be here for you, no matter what."

The blonde stood there, wrapping his arms, tightly around the greenette's chest, with his head hidden in the crook of deku's neck, and the greenette slowly playing with his blonde-ish hair while tracing little circles from his nape to his back.

They stood there, cuddling, till katsuki calmed, now breathing more calmly, but still being a bit shaky, both of their stomachs growling.
"hey kacchan"
"do you- maybe? want to go make breakfast with me? we can make your favorite"

As they both agreed on going to make food together, none of them stood up, neither changed positions, because the blonde was still on deku's chest.
As the greenette understood, he took the blonde in his strong defined arms, making him look like he was climbing like a koala on a palmier. "Deku. Put. me. down." "nope" The greenette sent his signature smile in katsuki's direction, making his heart make several double jumps only for the blonde to let out growl. Deku now, made his way to their little plain gray and white-ish kitchen.
He put the blonde down on the counter, while he got all their needed ingredients from the counter and the fridge.

They were both occupied, with making pancakes, getting katsuki forget about his nightmare, and bad thoughts, making him only concentrate on the little green bean in front of him and their now in progress pancakes.

After they both finished preparing the pancakes, the blonde went to sit at their table, while deku was arranging the pancakes in two different plates, putting marble sirup on them, with strawberries and blueberries.

They ate in silence, not awkward silence, the kind of comfortable silence when you both understand each other without words, and izuku, understood that better than anyone.

A/N: me?? updating after the day i updated ?? holy shit well that's new even for me-
anyways- if we talk about katsuki's relationship with his mom- i wouldn't exactly say that she's physically "abusive" but more like mentally abusive, even if sometimes she does hit bakugou. Yeah i know many of you love mitsuki, and believe me i love her too, because of the image that the world has created about her. And we can clearly see how even after bakugou got kidnapped how she talked about the way it was his fault because he was weak, instead of trying to make him feel better. So um yeah, it looks just like my relationship with my mom and i "kind off" ???? let my emotions out when bakugou started talking about his mom lol😅 Anyways byeee! see y'all soon since i got inspo- so hopefully i post the new chap in 2-3 days :D

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