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it's 6:00 am and the greenette just woke up by the sound of his alarm going off "ugh i'm so tired, why the fuck did i stay up so late?" the greenette asks himself knowing he stayed up till at least 2am overthinking what happened yesterday with his "childhood best friend" and what will happen on these 2 months and a half alone with katuski on that camping trip.

Deku got lazily up from his bed, going in his bathroom for a shower and doing his morning routine. After he was done with that he went to check if he didn't forget anything yesterday while packing. He had a suitcase full of clothes and they were mostly all might themed. After checking everything he sat down on his bed trying to somehow calm himself, because he was very anxious about this trip and what will happen there. And on top of that he couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday between him and katsuki. 'why did he hold my hand?' 'does he likes me?' 'is he trying to change?' all sorts of questions were running in his mind nonstop and he was definitely a mess in his mind. After sitting for a good 10minutes on his bed he checked the hour only to see there 06:36am and when he looked at the hour you could say he just saw a ghost, since he remembered that kacchan will be waiting in front of his house in 4minutes and he still didn't have breakfast and wasn't in his prepared outfit. He jumped out of his bed and put his outfit quickly, then went down to greet his mom and tell her his goodbyes, he gave her a hug "take care of you mom! bye i will miss you!" he said while putting his shoes on and taking all his baggage with him out, before heading all out he took his jacket with his phone, wallet, keys and all his necessary things and left only to be greeted at his door by the one and only angry pomeranian who wasn't angry at all.. he looked like he was slightly smiling..? "he's so cute" thought the greenette in his mind.

Kacchan couldn't sleep all night along, he was worried about how will everything go tomorrow and he, of course was overthinking and overwhelmed about everything that was going on. At 3am he got out of his bed and started packing, he took his suitcase it was a big one with black and green, and it reminded him of deku.., for some unknown reasons. Maybe because it was green? yeah i guess that's why. Anyways the blonde started looking around his room looking if he took everything he needed for his trip and then chose an outfit for tomorrow. Since they would have to be in an airplane for at least 4 hours he chose a comfy outfit yet stylish. He chose black ripped pants with a white plain t-shirt and a greenish jacket. After he finished everything and was a little bit "calmer" about the situation he sat down on his bed thinking about everything and nothing at the same time, after lazily staying there for a good 30minutes he looked at his phone to see the hour and he saw there 5:27am, so he decided to get up and take a shower, he stayed in that shower for a good amount of time, after he finally decided to get out of his shower he dried his hair and went to put on the outfit he chose, put on some white socks and took out all his baggage going to the kitchen to grab something to eat. When he finally arrived in the kitchen he was greeted by his mom making scrambled eggs with bacon, she took a plate and put some of it in there and gave it to him. He quickly ate it and went to the door to quickly put on his jacket and grab his phone ready to leave, he said his goodbyes to his parents and left the house only to look at the hour and see 6:29am "damn i really have to wait the nerd 11 minutes now? fucking great." While he "patiently" waited outside for the deku he couldn't stop thinking about what would happen between them at the camping trip. I mean they are being forced to share a house together and they don't even know if they have their own rooms there. But even if this angry pomeranian won't stop complaining about this we all know that deep down he is very happy about it, and he can't wait to be there and spend that time with deku alone. On top of that he was very tired, since he didn't close an eye all night. So he would probably sleep in the airplane.

It was 6:41am and the nerd just got out of his house, he had a suitcase and a bag in his hand, and his suitcase was of course all might themed. "Oh gosh once a fan boy, always a fan boy, huh deku?" Katsuki asks deku while slightly smirking at how cute deku was looking at that moment. Not that he always looks cute but whatever. Deku didn't even react at what the blonde said, he was used to that so meh. "Anyways what took you so long nerd?, you were late with a minute and 17 seconds." The angry blonde scoffed and turned around starting to walk to their school's way, "oh please you didn't die waiting for me for a minute and 17 more seconds right kacchan? so shut up"

"yeah but imagine if i did?"

"oh god ur such a drama queen kacchan."

"whatever let's just go nerd."

"yeah let me just grab my suitcase real quick"

They started walking, once again, in complete silence, and since izuku is known for knowing how to "deal" with awkward moments (as if he isn't one of the most awkward persons you could ever know but ok...) he asked "so.. we need to go to school for Aizawa to pick us up and give us a ride to the airplane..?" "yea" katsuki said plainly without any real emotion.

When they finally arrived to their school from their houses, they were greeted by all might and aizawa telling them to put their luggage in the car together, because they will need to go in about 5 minutes. After they put all their baggage in the car they went back to all might and aizawa, just to clarify some things and the rules they need to respect. After aizawa told them everything again and made sure they understood he got in the car with the 2 teens and were headed to their private airplane.

•• time skip to when they finally arrived to their airplane ••

Katsuki fell asleep and his head was now on deku's shoulder so the greenette had to wake him up, since they arrived at their needed location. It was a very secret location were only a few people knew about it and not even the teens' parents were aware of that location for their safety after what happened with the LOV and for preventing dangerous situations like this happen again.  Deku gently shook him and he still didn't wake up, so deku started ruffling his hair, and massaging his head. "come on kacchan, wake up." When Katsuki heard his soothing voice and how someone was running their fingers through his hair made his heart fluster, and so he suddenly woke up seeing who was that someone who was running their fingers in his hair. Kacchan was at loss of words he just kept staring at deku for a matter of some minutes. "Did we arrive to the airplane nerd?"

"yeah that's why i woke you up dumbass"

"who did you just call a dumbass?"

"oh god come on get out of the car kacchan we don't have all day."


they both got out of the car, deku helping kacchan and he was very grumpy about the fact that he just woke up.

They both took their baggage and went to find their airplane, who was prepared for them, it wasn't really an airplane it was more like a helicopter since it was very small and there was only two seats, one for deku and the other for kacchan.

They put all their luggage in the back of the helicopter and then told their goodbyes to aizawa and entered the helicopter.

Deku sat at the window and kacchan took the seat near him.

The greenette took his airpods and started playing some music and so did the blonde. Katsuki quickly fell asleep and his head fell again on deku's shoulder. Izuku slightly smiled when his head touched his shoulder, making his heart fluster, he then took the blanket he took with him for the long road and put him gently on katsuki, so he wouldn't be cold. As the time passed Izuku was still listening to his music, one moment admiring the view from his window and another moment glancing at katsuki, watching how magically swift and restful kacchan looked while sleeping, as he watched him sleep he didnt even notice how or when he started patting his head playing with his blonde locks gently,  katsuki wasn't really profoundly sleeping so he felt when deku started playing with his hair, leaving him flustered with butterflies in his stomach. 

They stayed like this for the rest of the long road, deku falling asleep after playing for some time with the blonde's hair, his head fell on katsuki's head after falling asleep and they slept in this position for the rest of the road till the helicopter's driver came and woke them up. 

welp. i hate this chapter. but im happy i got  to post something one hour before my bday since idk when i will be free to post the next one </3 

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