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In the early morning, the blue sky was washed away by the rain and it was spotless; the air was so fresh, like the filtered ones, there was a red glow in the east, and the sun father revealed half of the smile, and the whole spring was red.

I woke up this particular morning to the sight of the most magnificent man I have ever seen. The covers had fallen off him, so he was completely revealed as to his physical splendor. Kacchan was layin his head on my hand, with his legs tangled with mine

The sunlight was immersing itself.  I watched the golden light crawl across his chest. A massive set of pectorals that rose and fell with his gentle breathing. A light blonde  hair sprawled across this masculine landscape. A great serenity seemed to surround him. I could have watched him for an Eternity. Suddenly he opened his mesmerising crimson eyes to see me looking at him.

 A smile came across his face with a brightness that rivaled the newly risen sun. His hand reached out to caress my face. A gesture, a touch; that can only come from the deepest and most sincere level of love.


"g'mornin' kacchan!" the greentte sweetly said, with a sincere smile on his face, while gently pulling the blonde in his arms;

"morning zuku, how'd ya sleep?" the blonde responded, a smile creeping on his face, shortly after leaning closer to the greentte, now crashing his lips on the other.

Izuku delicately and slowly slided his hands across the blonde's body and then rests one hand on his cheek giving him butterflies, while Katsuki caresses his freckled baby cheeks, sliding one of his hand in his green soft curls, playing with them softly.

They broke their kiss after some long moments, it was passionate and loving yet fiercely like their life depended on it. 

The green head was now on top of the blonde head, smiling at him, as they both sheepishly started laughing, happiness engulfing them. They took a moment getting lost in each other's gazes, staring deeply in the other's eyes as they enveloped each other in little kisses all over their faces and torsos. 

Little birds chirping here and there, the sun shining brightly in the sky, the duo finally decided it was time to get up, from their little bubble and start getting ready for the day, and make breakfast today, and after that they needed to start packing as they were soon leaving the secret island. 

It was around noon, that meant their friends already left, and they should be high in the air by now, even so they should soon arrive in Musutafu.

They both started heading to the kitchen, so they could cook together breakfast. They went on and on about what they should make,, deku wanted pancakes and kacchan wanted banana-spice cakes. In the end they both agreed on crepes with caramel. 

To say there was more flour on them and on the floor that in the actual mix for the crepes  was an understandment, the green head was sitting comfortably on the counter with his legs spread apart letting place for the blonde to stay there. While katsuki made most of the work,the greenette wouldnt stop teasing him and putting vanilla sugar on his face, even getting some on his spiky yet soft hair. 

They were both laughing hysterically, the blonde fleeping the last crepe on the other side while the greenette was setting the table, putting the plate full of crepes in the middle of their table, and two plates on the sides in front of each other.

They sat down, still giggling on about some joke they made, the blonde took the first crepe, adding a good amount of caramel on it while deku was just devilishly smirking at him,, 

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