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          Doyoung yawned as he woke up. He looked at the time it was 5:30 AM he had an hour to get ready before school started. Stretching and getting out of bed. It's been almost 2 months since he started living alone. He had his own cozy apartment with some cute decor.

    The male took a quick shower before changing into a baby blue sweater with white pants and a denim jacket on top. He matched his outfit with white sneakers. He quickly got ready and made himself breakfast. He took his sweet time since he still had a lot of time left. He packed a small mini lunch with some extra for the DREAMIES.

        He looked at the time and it was 6:20 AM. He knew if he waited he'll be late. He went out of his apartment. Locking the black door. He sighed before getting into his nice car. His car wasn't too much. It was a Mercedes-Benz black car. It wasn't really big but he enjoys it. He started his car and drove off. To school. Or should he say hell.  

      The reason why Doyoung doesn't like school is because of certain people. Especially Jung Jaehyun and Lee Taeyong. He would rather much kill himself then stay with them in a room.


     Jaehyun Woke up. Naked. Beside him was his best friend and also kinda boyfriend Lee Taeyong. He took a glance at the clock it was 6AM meaning they only had 30 minutes to get ready if they get up now. Jaehyun shook Taeyong slightly.

   "Wake up Yongie." Jaehyun said,his voice still raspy.
      "Ok." That's the only response he got from the older.

          A few minutes later Jaehyun and Taeyong were done changing. Taeyong wore a dark navy shirt, with a baggy black pants. To top his outfit off he wore black Nike sneakers. Jaehyun wore a black shirt that was tight and wrapped around his abs nicely sleeves rolled up halfway. With black leather pants. To end off his outfit: black and red Nike shoes.

              "You look amazing as always" Jaehyun said smirking. Taeyong returned the smirk as he hit Jaehyun's chest.
   "Shut up." Taeyong spoke. The two glanced at the clock: it was 6:24 AM they were going to be late. They quickly ran out of the house,not even eating anything.


           The halls in the morning were loud. Chattering and screams were heard. Doyoung was at his locker talking to Sicheng.
    "How's your account going? You've finally moved out of your brothers house." Sicheng said smiling .

   "I don't know, probably gonna start this weekend. I've had enough teasing,plus who knows? I need money to pay rent!" Doyoung pouted as Sicheng just giggled.
   "Where the fuck is Kun?" Doyoung muttered softly

         Soon enough Kun came he waved and smiled at the two before leaning against Doyoung's locker.
   "So...tell me. How's stuff going. You've never invited me and Sicheng over your apartment." Kun said softly yet in a serious voice.

      "I-" Doyoung began but was interrupted by cheers and roars. Squealing and whispers.

      It was the only superior 5. Which includes: Taeyong,Jaehyun,Johnny,Yuta and Ten.
   Oh how Doyoung hated them. Yes,he had almost every class with them.

      "Oh my god!!! Jaehyun you are so handsome!!"
   "JOHNNY!!! HOW ARE YOU STILL SO HANDSOME!!" These compliments made Doyoung want to throw up or even laugh.

      When Jaehyun and Taeyong passed Doyoung they winked at him before moving on. Doyoung mentally threw up. Meanwhile Yuta was flirting with Sicheng. Winking and smiling and kissing his cheeks.

      When the bell rang everyone groaned and went to class. Doyoung went to his classroom and sat beside Sicheng. Thank god,Sicheng was his seat mate or he would've killed himself.

"I fucking hate that Jung." Doyoung sneered
"I know you do,what did he do anyways?" Sicheng asked innocently.

"He existed. Taeyong existed. They exist." Doyoung cursed. He buried his face into the palm of his hands. Mumbling things that Sicheng could care less.

"Hello Guys. Today we have a new Student. Please welcome him. Come in Jung Sungchan." The teacher announced.

You see, SungChan is Jaehyun's younger brother. Why is he here? Why is he a new student? It's because he wanted to go to a different and separate school as Jaehyun. His parents let Jaehyun live all by himself so they decided to allow SungChan too! But since his parents enrolled him here he just had to be in Jaehyun's class.

Sungchan was tall,deer like eyes. His brown hair matched his personality. His body type was very alluring. So all the girl squealed.

"Hi I am Jung SungChan,I hope we can get along!" SungChan said smiling directly at Doyoung.
Unknowingly A blush was covering Doyoung's cheeks. But it wasn't too noticeable.

"You can sit next to Doyoung. Doyoung please raise your hand" Doyoung hesitated before raising his hand. SungChan smiled before taking a seat beside Doyoung.

"Hi I'm SungChan." SungChan smiled warmly
"Hi SungChan,I am Doyoung. Nice to meet you." Doyoung smiled back.

SungChan laughed.
"Would you like sitting with me at lunch? I could introduce you to my friends." Doyoung said softly in a whisper.
"I'd like that." SungChan said getting extremely close to Doyoung.

'Fuck Doyoung. Dont gay panic. Dont gay panic.' Doyoung thought to himself. SungChan leaned closer. He smiled when he saw Doyoungs eyes widen. He backed up.

   "Don't mind what I was doing. I was just admiring your face." SungChan said smiling

         Doyoung smiled. He cursed himself before turning his attention back to the teacher who was practically speaking gibberish.

'No one could've possibly notice right?'

    Oh boy Doyoung was wrong. From the back corner of the classroom. Another Jung and Lee were staring at Doyoung. Making holes burn through him. Then they looked at SungChan. Not the same way as they looked at Doyoung. They stared at him with a hint of hatred towards him in their eyes.

"Kim Doyoung...what have we got here?"


      Hi!!! So first chapter done. I normally only write like 500 words but this one was like 900. So I hope you guys have a wonderful day!
From ~lilsushiyou

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