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            Doyoung felt something inside him burn. It felt anger and felt like a sudden spark rush in through his body.

     'Doyoung, you were hurt by them, they didn't even notice what they've done. Why did you forgive them? You can't go back to them. Never.' Doyoung's mind was telling him repeatedly

    Staring at the two males in the kitchen with eyes filled with hatred and threatened tears to fall out. His eyes glistened in the light. But clear anger and betrayal was in his eyes. Feeling ashamed of himself for agreeing to be their sex toy and agreeing for his feelings to be hurt.

         He didn't know why he wanted to forgive him but there was something that felt so real and pure in their voices that made him believe that wouldn't hurt him again. But even though, he still felt unsure about this.

         He didn't want his heart to break again for no reason. He wanted to protect himself but for them he was defenseless. He didn't know why

"I think he really forgave us this time" Jaehyun whispered to Taeyong who was still focused on whatever he was doing.

    "Probably not, do you see his eyes? He seems angry, betrayed and hurt. He wouldn't forgive us that easily even when he says it" Taeyong said to the younger who was sighing in the process.

   "But he seemed sure of his decision. He seems so bright and so happy when he said that." Jaehyun reasoned
      "But, he must've realized what we've done. He must've thought we were using him. He feels unsure." Taeyong replied

        Staring at the male again who was staring at his hands that were laid on his lap folded. His eyes had small tears piling inside.

    "He looks hurt, miserable and betrayed"
"Angry and upset at himself"

      All these emotions were correct for Doyoung. He was feeling Hurt miserable and betrayed. But he was more angry and upset at himself for being so vulnerable for them. Feeling so helpless under them he didn't know why.

     'There's no way I'm going to fall in love with them once again. Although they have advantage of me they don't KNOW  me. They obviously don't know who they hurt'

          Doyoung snapped his head at the door that was creaking open. There showed Sicheng who had a mad expression on his face. His face softened after staring at Doyoung's hurt structure.

           Immediately running towards his best friend Sicheng wrapped his arms around Doyoung. Whispering sweet nothings into his ears.

      "What's wrong? Why do you look so sad, angry and hurt?" Sicheng asked wiping the stray tears from the eyes of his friend.

    "Why did I forgive them?" Doyoung croaked. His small structure curled into a ball. As he started mumbling things even himself didn't know.

        "Proper words please, I cant understand you. Breathe ok" Doyoung sighed and looked up at his friend who was worried.
           "Why? Why am I so weak? So easy and so desperate?" Doyoung blamed himself his weak and shaky voice was barely heard.

    "No you went doie. You need to stop saying that. You aren't like that. I know you must feel mad and bad at yourself for letting your heart break again but it's not your fault. You need to understand that I'm here for you and I'll always be here even when you don't ask. Even when you want to push me away. I'll always be here for you" Doyoung sobbed at his best friend's words. Think about how lucky he is about having the best friend any one could ask for .

         "Thank you" Doyoung breathed out. His voice was airy and was soft.

      Soon Doyoung fell asleep after his mind was overworked with such thoughts. Leaving Sicheng and the other two.

      "Listen up, both of you hurt my best friend. Would I forget about that? No,never. Now what I want to know is that why did you make that deal with Doyoung? That's the worst deal ever. Risking someone's identity to some dirty work? Just because Doyoung DOES and works off of dirty work doesn't mean he LOVES actually doing the dirty work." Sicheng said looking at them straight in the eyes.

      "We never knew that he would've felt this way." Taeyong said hanging his head low.
      "Well surprise! Other people have things Called 'emotions' and 'feelings' it can really damage them and their thoughts." Sicheng spoke his voice had the most amount of sarcasm that anyone ever used before.

          "If he didn't like our deal then why'd he agree?" Jaehyun asked acting like he had the upper hand.
   "Because he doesn't want his identity to be spread all over school. Because there are perverts and some stalkers." Sicheng said looking at the two.

       "Now listen to me, stay away from my best friend until I allow and he allows." Sicheng spoke



So guys only 2 more chapters? Or even more. So,

Have an amazing day

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