Hold up

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    Can we  just say how ridiculous it is that no one is taking about the attack in Palestine?! How can no one ever say anything about this?!

  ISLAMOPHOBIA IS NOT A JOKE! Innocent women children men are getting killed by the day! Imagine going somewhere  in a beautiful month and seeing people killed. This is no joke. Guys please start a rage. This needs to be recognized.

    Ramadan is the most holiest month in Islam. It's supposed to be beautiful and calming but,Muslims by the day get killed and no one is talking about this.

Many users on WATTPAD are islamophobic and are rude. Can we just spread awareness?!

     Guys; no one is taking about how Israel attacked a fucking mosque in the middle of prayers! Imagine going to prayers and seeing people getting killed by Israeli armies?! This is bullshit!

   This should be out there! This is against Islam! Islam is all about peace! Islam is a beautiful religion that should be protected.

Like how no one talked about how in China there was camps that were full of Muslims they forced them to eat pork and drink alcohol which is not allowed. This is bullshit. This is full on bullshit. And everyone decided to care when Germans did it to the Jewish. This is full on crap.

Please please please let me tell you. My best friend is a Muslim. She is afraid of going somewhere because of all the hate Muslims get. She said "If someone asked me if I was a Muslim, and if I said yes they'll kill me. Without any hesitation I would say yes, Islam is a religion of peace and hope."

     Muslims aren't doing anything wrong! Why didn't anyone talking about such a thing?!

  I know I may be overreacting but listen this is fucked up.

  Listen those in Palestine, Syria are in danger. Bombs exploding in Syria. Multiple people dying each day. Hungry children orphans and women. Men are out there trying to protect their families but they can't. BECAUSE MUSLIMS ARE FUCKING DYING AND NO ONE IS DOING SHIT!

   I know I shouldn't say this in my book but listen this book isn't holy I get that, but this needs to be put to an end where Muslims get the most hate in the world. I cant even with anyone these days.

Do I see anyone taking about this? Big creators? Celebrities? Actors? Singers? Politic platform creators?

Why not?!


#RedForPalestine #Muslimlivesmatter

           Please spread awareness.

Thank you.

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