Twenty Four

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The next day at school Doyoung was feeling better and was pretty much fine without Jaehyun and Taeyong. He didn't know why it was such a big deal that he didn't want to forgive them.

When the superior five came inside the school the cheers and squeals became louder. Screams and squeaks were more evident. Doyoung couldn't take it anymore. But he was surprised when the chatter the screams and squeals quickly came to an end.

"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!" Doyoung heard the rage in Jaehyun's voice. Making most people shiver ,Doyoung was very very worried about what was about to come. He didn't know why Jaehyun was angry all of a sudden.

"Can y'all shut the fuck up for once in your pathetic little lives?" Taeyong spat his words were rough and harsh. Cold as always.

Taeyong and Jaehyun took the lead out of the five. They walked passed Doyoung. Not forgetting to stop by him and stare at him before sending a wink and a Kiss to the two girls standing beside him. Doyoung felt somewhat hurt. He didn't like the way they just threw him Away in the pile of used toys.

When they were out of sight the two girls were squeaking and squealing. I mean who wouldn't? The two most handsome boys of the school just straight up winked and sent a kiss to them.

Doyoung rolled his eyes and turned his gaze over to his locker. Quickly taking very thing he needed and left quickly.


In class Doyoung couldn't focus. The only thing he COULD focus on was Taeyong who was flirting with another girl right behind him.
  "Hey beautiful, I like your beautiful eyes. So gorgeous" Taeyong's voice was all Doyoung heard.

   "Your body is so seductive. So attractive"

Doyoung just couldn't believe that when he denies something they ask for they go to other people as if they are other toys to play with.

"They'll never learn." Doyoung mumbled to himself as he continued doing his work that was barely done.

Right after his class he went to lunch. Which the DREAMIES were waiting for him like always.
"Hyung! Me and jeno and Renjun are in a relationship now!" Doyoung smiled at how energetic and excited Jaemin was to tell him

"Oh really? When was this?" Doyoung asked a small friendly smirk played in his lips.
"The day you passed out. We were going to tell you, but you weren't feeling well." Renjun answered making Doyoung smile.

"Aw, at least you guys are happy. And that is all what matters."

'Because I wasn't happy. I hope you guys are.'

    SungChan sat beside Doyoung wrapping his arm around his waist while laughing softly. Jeno doing the same to Jaemin. They all were laughing beside Doyoung who was busy giving out food to the younger's.

        SungChan helped him and started eating. Making Doyoung giggle and let out the cutest gummy smile possible.


In the distance two pair of eyes were landed in Doyoung. How he was acting, how he was smiling widely and giggling time to time. As if he doesn't even care about the two.

"He doesn't love us anymore, why would he care if we act like we'll flirt with others" Taeyong asked Jaehyun looking at him with a mad and annoyed expression.

Our Dirty Secret-DoJaeYong/JaeDoTaeWhere stories live. Discover now