Twenty Seven( last chapter!)

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Doyoung stared at the two males that were talking to each other. Yes, he was falling in deep love with them once again. He felt right. He felt comfort. He felt so loved and wanted. He needed this.
Doyoung then saw Jaehyun smiling sweetly at him. While Taeyong sent him a finger heart.

     "Sicheng, I'll forgive them." Doyoung said his eyes focusing of them.

        Sicheng smiled.
  "Don't hurt yourself again. If they do hurt you, tell me they won't live to tell you what happened" Sicheng said and it made Doyoung giggle.

"I won't. I know what I'm doing, I know I'll survive better with them than Without. Sicheng promise me, promise me you'll still be there for me no matter what?" Doyoung said his eyes had happy Tae's and were ready to spill in seconds.
"Why would I leave you in the first place?" Sicheng asked.

"I made you and Yuta fight." Doyoung said sadly. His whole body reacting.


Sicheng angered at himself as he got into his car. He drove to Yuta's house knowing his boyfriend would be there.

"Yuta Nakamoto!" Sicheng yelled as he Locked the door.
"Yes baby? What's wrong?" Yuta asked he was confused why the younger boy was using his surname.

"Mind explaining why I trusted you and you're friends to protect Doyoung? That fucking son of a bitch Jaehyun and Taeyong broke Doyoung!" Sicheng fumed.

"What do you mean?" Yuta asked his face held a worried expression.
"Doyoung fucking cried himself to sleep as he passed out on the school bathroom FLOOR!" Sicheng said his neck veins were visible looking as if it was going to pop any second.

"Yes! Jaehyun and Taeyong hurt him so much the day before! Yet I'm still here playing this silly game and they are still hurting him even More! I can't take it anymore Yuta." Sicheng said as he broke down into tears in front of his lover.

"Sicheng. I cant control their actions! They can do whatever they want." Yuta replied getting angry as well
"If Doyoung did something wrong you wouldn't hesitate to tell me first second. I waited 3 days to tell you!"
"You wouldn't hesitate to make the first move! You wouldn't hesitate to ask me. You wouldn't hesitate to tell me! Yet I had to wait! Because I knew it, you'll always take their side!" Sicheng cried as his tears didn't stop.

"Does it look like I give a shit?" Sicheng stopped sobbing and looked up at his boyfriend.
"What did you say?" Sicheng asked voice strict and his eyes had disappointment in it

"Do I need to repeat myself?" Yuta growled back
"Wow, don't worry your friends are fine will mine are suffering and that's alright with you. Isn't that right?" Yuta nodded and shrugged. Sicheng scoffed and walked out.

"Yuta...I'm hurt. You didn't care for me and my friends. Their safety is my safety. Their problems are mine. Their worries are mine. We share everything. We help each other we love each other. And most importantly we TRUST each other." Sicheng said with that he slammed the door shut .

"Fuck, what did I do?" Yuta asked himself packing back and forth.

"I need to make this right."

Our Dirty Secret-DoJaeYong/JaeDoTaeWhere stories live. Discover now