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     Monday rolled around. Doyoung was terrified. He walked in the building and went straight to his locker. Ignoring Kun calling his name.

    "Doyoungie it's gonna be fine." Sicheng spoke

   Doyoung shook his head. He buried his face in his hands. Before he even knew it. They arrived.

        Doyoung knew they were. He heard the squeals and squeaks of the girls and the loud laughter of the boys. It made Doyoung cringe.

When Doyoung turned around there Jaehyun stood staring directly at him. Doyoung looked away but suddenly a voice was heard.

  "Look at me when I'm around. I don't want you looking at anyone else besides me" Jaehyun spoke his voice deep and rough.

    Oh how Doyoung hated and loved it.

   Doyoung nodded before looking up to Jaehyun's gaze. Jaehyun has a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Good boy" Jaehyun mouthed.

Doyoung hanged his head low when Jaehyun was out of sight.

  "AHHHH!!!" Doyoung screamed inside his head.
Doyoung inhaled sharply and walked to class.


     As always Doyoung was sitting in class unable to focus due to the fact today would be his first day of the deal. Now he is regretting his life decisions (a/n: just like me)

    "Kim Doyoung are you paying attention?" The teacher asked
   "Yes-" Doyoung said a bit flustered.

        Doyoung zoned out again. Thinking about what to do when the time comes to please the two. As always he wanted to be the best slut for them. So he decided to wear a few things.

    The bell rang meaning that class was dismissed. The worst thing was that was the last class they had. So Doyoung was pretty much fucked up.

     Doyoung walked to his locker to gather his belongings. He really cursed himself for agreeing. But what could be the worse that could happen?

    Doyoung walked out of the school he immediately bumped into Jaehyun. The halls were half empty but no one seemed to see how Jaehyun was pretty much holding Doyoung.

      Taeyong walked over to the two.

  "Don't you two realize that I am also apart of this?" Taeyong asked sighing as he rubbed his temples

   "Let's go to my house. No one is there." Taeyong said. That was enough to be said. Jaehyun carried Doyoung to his car. Doyoung was a blushing mess. His whole face was pink and red. He Swears that they'll be the end of him. The end of him.


   When they arrived to Taeyong's unexpected huge house Doyoung was dragged up the stairs. Into Taeyong's room. Right there he was striped naked.

   Feeling shy Doyoung awkwardly shimmer out of his panties. Taeyong pushed him against the wall. Pinning his petite thin waist against the wall while Jaehyun went to go find some lube and condom.

   This is where Doyoung isn't Doyoung. He is in the mind of BunnyBoySlut.

    "Mmh..." Doyoung moaned softly adding a whine.

          Doyoung felt so loved and felt good. As Taeyong's hands wrapped around his waist slapping his ass cheeks and grabbing and groping it.

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