Twenty Five

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           Doyoung glanced up at the angles after saying "really? I love you too"

            "You think I would actually forgive you two? No, you guys just threw me away and want me again. Why? Because of Sex nothing else. No feelings, no emotions just sex. Do I look like a mother fucking sex doll to you?" Doyoung angrily said as he stood up, hot fat tears streamed down his face. Staring at them with glossy glassy eyes that were about to shatter within seconds.

      "Doyoung- you agreed to it first..." Jaehyun said trying to calm the older down
    "BECAUSE YOU GUYS WERE GOING TO RUIN AND SPILL MY IDENTITY! WHO KNOWS WHAT'LL HAPPEN??" Doyoung screamed. Tears wouldn't stop flowing down his cheeks.

"Why? Why? Why me?" Doyoung sobbed loudly as he tried opening the door. Right when it opened it revealed Sicheng who had an angry expression on his face.

     Sicheng pushed Doyoung outside the bathroom and shoved himself inside. Sicheng stared at the two males with cold icy eyes.
    "Didn't I say NOT to go next to Doyoung?" Sicheng raged.

"You don't decide that. He is ours and will only be ours. Listen if We don't get Him then say goodbye to him" Jaehyun spoke like a psychopath.
"Either way I'll still take him away from you. Monsters!" Sicheng yelled at the male.

Jaehyun smirked and stared at Doyoung who was standing behind Sicheng. Doyoung let out shaky breathes as Jaehyun and Taeyong stared lustfully at him. Eating him up.
"Just. leave. Him. Alone." Sicheng spoke his eyes sending daggers to them.

"No. We.Wont" Taeyong replied coldly sending shivers down Doyoung's spine.
       "Why are you obsessed with me?" Doyoung asked his voice shaking just like his breath.

         "Because you are the only thing I need to survive. Doyoung please. Please. I know you wouldn't forgive a person like me, I've known that everyone has problems and mine was the worse. I made you suffer. You got your revenge by making me suffer for your love." Jaehyun said a stray tear left from his eyes.

       "But I didnt make you suffer for my love. I already gave you my love if you didn't notice! But you were  too blind in lust and greed you haven't even realized anything!" Doyoung said as tears also flowed down his flushed cheeks.

      "You made me greedy, you made me feel some type of way that made me obsessed with you. Something that was so addicting something that was so comforting. So soothing. That I was lost in my own thoughts and forgot about everything." Jaehyun said falling down on his knees. Tears falling uncontrollably.

           Jaehyun's lips quivered as his breathing gone unsteady. His mind flying around. The only thought was Doyoung.

    "I'm sorry. I never should've met you. Should've blamed you. Should've seen you." Jaehyun said regretting all of the decisions he had made.
     "Sicheng, Doyoung. I'm sorry. Hate us. Yell at us. Hit us. Scream and shout. But please don't reject our feelings and us." Taeyong spoke his eyes filled with tears and fears.

        "I hate that I love you. But I cant control my feelings" Taeyong pleaded once more. Guilty for being the problem.

         "I can't believe you two, you first threaten to keep Doyoung and keep him but now you act guilty and beg for forgiveness." Sicheng scoffed

         "We mean it. We probably don't seem like that. We do mean it. Well at least I do, I'm not sure about TY" Jaehyun said.
     "You think I'm dumb?" Sicheng asked his voice was sharp as his eyes.

               Doyoung felt guilty as well. He didn't know why he wanted to hug them and tell them that it'll be ok and he'll always be there for them no matter what.

     "You can do your worst yet I won't give up my love on Doyoung." Jaehyun stated boldly, tears ran down his face.
        "Do whatever, nothing can stop my love or my feelings. So it's worthless. Whatever you try would be worthless because it'll fail." Taeyong spoke up.


           Doyoung felt something in him warm up, it felt so nice and cozy. He felt his mind going hazy.
    "If you guys prove it, if you guys mean it. You guys would never ever sleep with anyone besides Doyoung, you will never ever make him feel bad or upset. If you do I'll kill you with my own Hands" Sicheng warned

    "I-I p-promise!" Jaehyun said

      "Prove to it first. I'll give you three DAYS." Jaehyun's eyes went wide
  "Deal" the two males said

I CHANGED MY MIND!!!! 2 more chapters

So anyways I published the oneshot book called "submissive Hyung"

Have an amazing day

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