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Doyoung heard that voice he looked up to see it was SungChan. The younger quickly held onto his Hyung who was streaming tears down his beauty Ik cute face. Even thought the older's face was puffy the younger still admired him.

   "Hyung.? What's wrong?" SungChan asked soothing the older a bit.

      "I-I" Doyoung couldn't even form proper words out of his mouth.
        "It's ok Hyung take your time. Breathe" SungChan realized his situation.

            SungChan saw how Doyoung clutched onto his own shirt and was crying a bit. His sobs dyed down and his eyes were bloodshot red from his tears from earlier.

    "I fell in love with those who don't feel the same way." Doyoung said emotionless.
     "Who? Jaehyun? Taeyong?" SungChan asked

      "Both" Doyoung said his voice barley above a whisper.
      "They only see me as what they see everyone else. Another victim. Another slave. Another worshipper. I don't even know why I like them in the first place. Is it because we worked together on a project and they showed me a side of them no one else would see? A side where they would look like the world's best affectionate person?" Doyoung choked on a strangled sob.

        SungChan patted the older's back slowly hugged him embracing him in his arms.
    "Hyung shh." SungChan started stroking his hair soothingly.

            Doyoung passed out in the younger's arm. Making ShngChan smile weakly at the older. Right at that moment Jeno and Jaemin ran inside.

   "Doyoung isn't feeling well." SungChan looked up at the two.
       "I'll go drop him off at the nurse's office. He seemed sick earlier." Jeno offered. SungChan nodded letting the latter take Doyoung away from his arms.

    "What were you guys doing here anyways?" SungChan asked Jaemin.
    "I- well Jeno confessed to me and So did Renjun and RenJun told us to meet him in the bathroom and we didn't know which one he was talking about and we were here and heard Doyoung's sobs and we decided to help." Jaemin said in all one breathe.

       SungChan nodded in a approval.

    "Jeno be careful!" Jaemin yelled after his new boyfriend.
     "Haha ok well I gotta go" SungChan said clenching his Fists and walking out.

       Gritting his teeth. His jaw clenched

"Jung Jaehyun you'll find out why I despise you so much"


       Taeyong and Jaehyun. Both sat in class waiting for Doyoung to show up. But he never did. Worrying the two very much. Hoping that he was fine.

     Jaehyun dialed Doyoung's number impatiently wanting for the latter to pick up. But no, he didn't pick up. Jaehyun was in disbelief. Doyoung couldn't be hurt right?

   "He isn't picking up his phone either" Taeyong sighed and placed his phone down on the desk.

    "Where is he? What is he doing? Is he hurt? Is he ok?" Jaehyun worriedly asked.
      "I'm not sure. I'm as worried as you" Taeyong spoke helping the younger male.

     The pair walked down the hall waiting for the bell to go off so they can go home. When the two arrived to Jaehyun's house they saw SungChan talking to someone on the phone.

  "Hey Jeno, how's Doyoung Hyung?" Jaehyun was curious and walked closer wanting to know what his brother had to do with Doyoung.

   "Aw he can't walk? Is he ok?" Jaehyun thought  SungChan. Thinking the younger fucked him made the older furious. SungChan had a worried expression on his face.

   "He'll be fine Jeno trust me" SungChan assured

  "Ok ok bye" with that SungChan was off the phone.

   "You fucked Kim Doyoung?!" Jaehyun growled smacking his hand down on the table in front of SungChan.
       "No, I didn't' why would I?" SungChan asked clearly confused on why his brother was accusing him.

     "He's an older brother to me! He actually cares about me. Why would I fuck him in the first place? I don't play with peoples heart and let them suffer with a heavy heart for me. No! That's wrong Hyung. You don't understand what he's gone through. He was always there for me when you weren't. He was there to comfort me when I was down and I was there when he needed to shoulder to cry on!" SungChan yelled at his older brother .

   "He cares for me so much more than you'll ever will in your life? Why are you even home? Aren't you supposed to be out with Taeyong fucking random sluts in the school? Why are you here?" Jaehyun realized the strong words of his younger brother.

"Huh why! Why are you here?!" SungChan yelled loudly and impatiently waiting for an answer.
    "S-SungChan" Jaehyun whispered

   "He cared for you Hyung! He was in the bathroom. Laying hopelessly on the floor. He was shedding tears of pain. His whole body shook with disbelief when I hugged him. He was never given comfort. He fell in love with your and Taeyong's Dumb asses! Don't you ever feel ashamed of yourselves?! He loves you and will care for you! He will always be there when you need him the most. WHY CAN'T YOU SEE HE IS SUFFER FROM YOUR ACTIONS!" SungChan yelled furiously his eyes had a glint of burning flames.

        "S-SungChan w-what?"

   "He passed out due to a headache, dehydration and from crying to much! All because of your dumb bitch ass!" SungChan cried aloud.
          "S-SungChan please explain calm down you are scaring me"

"He is in love with you"





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